Monday, November 06, 2006

For Sale

Well as of today, the house where I have lived for the past few years in PEI is officially for sale. When I came home from school, there was a sign on the lawn and everything. You try not to get too attached to a house - I mean it's just a thing right? But a house is also your home, and there's so many memories involved. Like I'm not sad or anything, just... it's different. I remember when dad sold the house in Toronto, that we've had for years. I mean it was my first real home in Canada and I remember so many things there. I make it sound like I am depressed but really I'm not. They're thinking of building another house - a smaller one out in the country - and I'm excited to see that come about. It should be interesting haha.

I think if I had my own place, I would like to live in a condo. The big ones though that look like a house, with levels and everything. There's a lot of benefits such as security, elevators, and stuff like that. But then again that means my dream dream home (the one that I drew plans for) I would have to give up. Not that I wasn't going to anyway, but when you change dreams you still have sort of an attachment to the old one. Knowing me, I'll probably end up living in some old shack lol.

I'm not sure exactly where I'd want to live for the rest of my life. I'm thinking PEI is a nice place to have kids, and plus since I went to school here I would know all what my kids are doing and stuff haha. For a while I was thinking of moving to Montreal but this way it gives me an excuse to vacation (and in Toronto too!). Why am I thinking and planning all this stuff now? Because I'm bored. And I have nothing else to talk about, except maybe that school went by really fast today, which is great and I hope it continues.

Well homework for tonight is to catch up on all the math homework I havne't been doing from last week and to do the huge review sheet for the test on Wednesday. And to read Phillipians for class tonight. Wish me luck!

Oh and for those of you in my English who ask me about the test? It wasn't that hard but the matching.. holy crap! Some of the quotes had nothing to do with the circumstances and I read it and was like WHAT IS THIS?! and it was frustrating. And I forgot the bonus question. I think maybe Fleance might've been the one suspected of killing Banquo but I'm not sure. I passed in my test and totally forgot about the bonus question and when I got up to ask if I could get it back the bell rang. So that is what I think, what did you think of the test?

I just realised I told no one about this blog and so even if you were in my english class you wouldn't be able to read it, so that was a waste of a paragraph. Oh I lied - I told Robbie. Actually there is a link to this blog on his, so if you want to go on my blog you can go there from his. Except that if you are already reading this, chances are you are already on my blog. Does that even make sense?

What else did I sniff in chemistry class?


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