Friday, November 10, 2006


It's pretty sad when everytime I make a new post I have to sing the alphabet, to make sure I have the right letter haha. But then again, songs are how I remember things for some reason. Like months, days of the week, and even the male reproductive system, which comes in handy in classes like family life and apparently grade 12 biology, which I have yet to learn.

So the topic of today is kites, which was the pretty much the only thing I could think of this fine school-less morning that started with K.

Kites are great. Have you ever gone out and flown one? Because if not I strongly encourage you to go out on a nice windy day and try it. But watch out for those power lines.. I hear those suckers hurt.

I remember for some kind of project in school in grade 5 (when I first moved to PEI) my friend and I made a kite out of dowels and paper. It was pretty cool and we got to test it out. What you do is you fasten two dowels (one longer and one shorter) together in a t shape, cut out paper in sort of a diamond and you staple it on the wood, and in the middle where the dowels join you attach a long long long piece of string, wrapped around some kind of handle. Then you add a tail made out of ribbon or something to the bottom t of the kite for some decoration and there you have it, a homemade kite! I'm sure you can make fancier ones and find a whole whack of different designs if you google it, which I would love to try somtime. Once I get time. I've been trying to do some more crafts stuff because I love doing them but lately I've never gotten around to it. I have 3 big puzzles still in their bags from like 3 months ago, and a bunch of webpages of neat project ideas you can make with paper and glue but I havne't gotten around to it either. It seems liek I'm going to have to wait until I retire to get things done. Which is a period of my life I must say I am certainly looking forward to. No school, no work, just being able to do whatever whenever and even however. Ahh... that must be the life.

So yeah, back to kites. There are some really cool ones out now. Like big dragon and dinosaur ones, to like even superman! There was a show called "The Busy World Of Richard Scarry" which was on like all the time and there was this episode where they made a kite and the worm got to fly around in it, it was so cool. Except something happened and string broke or something, I can't remember. But it looked amazing. It's funny the shows you watch as a kid. Like Barney I used to love, and yes I will proudly admit it, but now they changed it so much it's not good anymore. Rupert, I used to watch too, along with the disney cartoons. There was even a Hello Kitty show, with a frog one right after it which was cool. Oh and the animaniacs, you can't beat them. No matter how hard some people might try haha.

If I had a tv in my room and a kitchen and a washroom, I would never leave. Did you know there are actual people who barely take a step out of their homes though for real? Like to joke about it and to do it are two very different things. What would it be like to only view the outside world from a window or a screen, and to have no face to face human interaction, if any. How would your views of the world change? Technology is great, but I find it separates us from real human interaction. Right now instead of blogging I could be out there greeting the world. But instead I am sitting my bed by myself (obviously) and typing away on a little laptop which is on a book to lessen the fact that at any moment it could overheat, catch fire, and explode, right in my face.

So kiting? Yes. It's something that everyone should do, at least once or twice (or a bunch of times) in their life. Even if you dont'want to make a kite, you could always go out to the nearest store - even dollarstores and convenience stores have them, they are that important - on a nice windy day and get one. You will not regret it, trust me.

Well I'm off to greet the world. Hope you have a wonderful and enjoyable day!

If you haven't made a box already, Operation Christmas Child goes in this Sunday. What a better excuse to do some shopping than to shop for someone who actually needs it? You could even (to match with this blog) send them a little kite that would fit in the box! But be sure to leave lots of room for other stuff, including toiletries like soap and stuff along with the other toys. You won't regret making a box either, trust me!


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