Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Well I decided I better do a post today because this WAS an exciting Wednesday and so, as you can see, I made it just in time for it to still be counted as today.

So what made it such a great Wednesday? Let me fill you in.

It was just one of those days where everything goes wrong and yet ends up good anyways. Especially in the morning. I slept through my two alarms (how I managed that is another story) but woke up at 7:06 a.m., just in time to see the sunrise that I had checked the weather website the night before for, which said would happen at 7:12. So I said a quick prayer, jumped up, put on a sweater, grabbed my bible (to read outside, multi-tasking i know :D) and an extra shirt to jam in the door so I make sure I don't get locked out on my balcony. I get outside and there and behold there is a man in the yard behind and what is he doing but raking leaves! So I am embarassed because by now he has seen me in a gray sweater and bright bright elmo jammies with a pair of crazy fuzzy slippers because I was too tired to try to find socks and though I want to run back inside and hide my face forever I figure since I'm up and out I might as well stay out. So, I do my best to pretend to not have noticed someone else outside and start reading, checking up once in a while to see if I can see the sunrise yet. Well it was very cloudy and I read through the whole of Ecclestiastes (a random book in the bible that I flipped to which turned out to be an interesting view that Solomon had on life and makes you think) and then by the time I was done I realised that it was still too cloudy to see the sunrise and I missed it again. So I ran back inside and got ready to take a shower and realised that all my clothes were still down in the laundry room in the basement (though thankfully all done). So I ran down there with the basket, ran up with the clothes, grabbed some random articles of clothing, and rushed to take a shower. By that time it was 8 and by the time I got out of the shower it was nearly 8:30, which is extra late. So I ran downstairs, ate a quick breakfast of pancakes (I couldn't finish because of time), ran back upstairs to get ready, and shoved all my papers in my binders and packed my kitbag only to pick it up and have the strap snap on me. And not the material part of it but the actual plastic that held it together. So I rushed around the room tyring to find something to hold in all my books and finally found my old kitbag from last year (a shoulder one instead of a backpack), shoved all my books in, and ran downstairs and out of the door, not even taking a lunch because I was so late. I near ran to the school and when I got there I was *just* in time to make it without a late. As in the teacher was about the close the door. But i made it!

Wow I just realised I described my morning in great detail, and that was only a few hours. If you thought I had a life, well I'm pretty sure I just proved you wrong haha.

I will speed things up. School was good. English we finished the Macbeth movie (oh my there are a lot of nude scenes), math I started to understand (yes!), chemistry I realised I had no clue (and there's a test tomorrow! err today!), and canadian history we went to the computer lab and I finished the assignment a whole 3 minutes before it was to be handed in (which is actually pretty good). After school I got home, Friend taught me how to roll scallops in flour (you put the flour in a plate and you take a scallop shake the excess water off and roll it around), had supper, did some homework, and then WENT TO YOUTH GROUP.

Which as you can tell was the main highlight of my day. Not only because it's youth group (which is the highlight of my middle of the week anyway) but because tonight was the combined service, with diffferent youth groups from around pei coming. Lots of people = lots of fun. And it was! I got to see some people whom I normally wouldn't see and on Wednesday too. And we watched an awsome video. It was hilarious.. I would totally show it on here if I could but apparently you have to pay for videos like that and you would probably need the copyright and I don't have it and yeah... you will just have to come to youth group!

I would go on and on (you know I would) but it's getting REALLY late and I have yet to actually truly study for the chemistry test tomorrow. Oh dear.



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