Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Well I'm not exactly sure what it means (something to do with speed or something) but we are doing a little bit of it in math so naturally when I think of the letter V i thought of this haha.

Because school takes up so much of my time, I guess I will talk about it a little bit more to fill you in. You know, because my life is so interesting and everything! (not).

In English we did some in-class essays on Macbeth. We had a list of topics we could pick from and I did number 8: "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely." Discuss the truth and/or falsity of the above statement in relation to Macbeth. I said that it wasn't the power that corrupts but the desire for it. I'm such a loser haha.

In math we're doing this thing on sine and cosine and finding angles and radians and stuff. So far so good; it's mostly just the plug and play formulas that I love so much. Except for this one part that you deal with converting them to triangles or something... I don't really get it but apparently it's really easy. Go figure.

In chemistry we are doing some stuff that I thought I got but when I did it again I realised I didn't. A lot of it has to do with stoichiometry, which last year I found easy but confusing. This year it is just confusing. We learned a new thing today where you are given a formula and the equilibrium and you change it to a quadratic equation. Not quite totally sure how it works out but hey, apparently it's easy too. I think this is a sign that I'm becoming too white... I need to go back to my asian roots.

Canadian history though isn't too bad, although confusing the way we learn. We learn by themes instead of in chronological order, which makes it different. The unit we're on is on economy, and so far it's not too too bad but still... the test on Tuesday will be killer. And not in a good way either!

And the physics... not too good! I haven't had time to go on it a whole lot and I am stuck on it so it makes it very hard. I thought I could do it but now I'm not so sure. Between trying to balance regular school and life it seems to just to be the broccoli sprouts on my plate. I don't want to eat it but I have to so I try to eat it at my own pace (i.e. very slowly). I wish it was easy though. That would be nice. But it's not. Physics is HARD. See what I mean when I say I'm not asian enough? *shakes head*

Well tonight I am going to aim for getting to bed at an actually decent time (i.e. before 1am) so I should start getting ready. If you are reading this (and even if you're not) I hope you have a great night, a great day, and a great week!

There is a good sale on at Maritime Christian Bookstore (downtown) if you live on PEI. Be sure to check check check it out!


Courtney Saunders said...

loving how you talk about all of your classes haha

John MacDonald said...

lol Velocity is speed with direction... PHYSICS MY DEAR! You probably don't remember me lol.

sandy said...

that's because i have no life


of course i remember you! [see above] haha just joking but not about the remembering you part because i do... and wow that makes a lot more sense now haha thanks!

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