Monday, November 20, 2006

Waiting On The Sunrise

For the past few nights (well more like the past few weeks) I've been getting up fairly early in the morning to watch something I realised I had never seen before. An actual sunrise. Call me weird, call my crazy, call me absolutely whacked-out. But I am willing - even wanting - to get up early (and I am NOT a morning person) and experience something I've never experienced before. Now it just so happens that I realised as the sun was setting today that looking out from my balcony... the sunrise is blocked by the house. I cannot view it!! And tomorrow marks the first (and probably last) day in a while that there is actually going to be cloudless enough to watch it. It's so disappointing when you want something so bad and it seems so simple but yet it's out of your reach.

But life's like that sometimes.

It's tough when you have to make a decision between what you really want to do and what you really should do. You can list off to yourself a whole pile of reasons why something shouldn't (or should) be done but in the end you are still left struggling with the decisions you have to make. And only you can make them, no one else can make them for you.

Sometimes life throws you in for a curve. Things are going along great when suddenly something totally unexpected happens and you are left clinging to the life you were used to by a thread. What do you do? Where do you go? What happens next? I think fear plays a big part in those times, especially of the unknown. I mean, stepping out of your comfort zone isn't the easiest thing to do in the world, but it is necessary to growth.

Speaking of growth... I have been eating even more than extra lately. Growth spurt anyone?

*is hopeful*


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