Wednesday, December 27, 2006

First off I would just like to say I hope you had a very merry Christmas this year!

Sorry I wasn't able to keep up with the post-a-day thing. But I do have an excuse: my internet wasn't working on Christmas (I was talking to two different technical support people/companies so it's true) and the next day when it worked again (all by itself) Friend was on the computer and I wasn't able to get on or switch it to wireless, but Jon was leaving the next day (which was this morning at 2 am) and they were trying to find a flight for him in the evening instead because he found out he could've stayed an extra day so I didn't want to try putting up the wireless then because it might've taken some time. But when I did it after I got home today it took no time at all; I guess since I've done it a lot I pretty much know how to do it, including finding out your ip and typing it in the address bar to get the screen thing and stuff.

But really, I'm sure it was nice to have a break; my life isn't all that interesting anyways haha.

So what did I do for the past two (three, including today) days? Well on Christmas Day I woke up at 10 a.m. and then at noon we drove over to Josie's to have Christmas dinner at her new place. The food was good, the company was good, everything was good, and we stayed there until around 7 in the evening. That's when we went back home and ate leftover chinese food and then around 8 opened presents. I got to be santa, which means wearing the hat and handing out the presents; I was like yesss! It was an exciting moment haha.

I did absolutely nothing on official Boxing Day. All the stores were closed and oh yeah it started snowing!! Wow it was nice out, with big puffy flakes and everything. I wanted to go outside and like hug it, but at the same time I was scared it was going to snow too much because Jon was leaving the next day and he was leaving from Moncton. But it stopped eventually though which was good and then I stayed up past 3 a.m. reading because I thought he was leaving at 3 so I stopped reading and was listening for them to get ready except I couldn't hear anything and by the time it was 4:30 a.m. I fell asleep.

I woke up at 6 though and at 8 talked to Courtney and at 9 went to get ready to meet her halfway to go Boxing Day sale shopping over at Old Navy, where we went crazy. Except that my bag came up to over and above what I had at the moment and so I put it on hold, except that I wasn't even able to get back to it later today so all the stuff I put on hold is now gone :( Oh and it turns out that Jon had left at 2 a.m. and because I wasn't listening then I totally missed him and didn't get to say goodbye, which sucks. But hopefully I will see him again before the summer and I will make sure to say goodbye then haha. So anyways Melissa came over to meet us at Old Navy and then we went to Wendy's (surprise surprise) and then to the mall for a bit, where we witnessed the drop and run of someone who apparently had stolen something and then on the way out saw a security guard coming in and then dropped the bag he had and bolted from the mall. It was quite interesting. Then we went to Courtney's and played her new American Idol board game (Courtney won because she knew the most about it; I only got second place because I was lucky and kept getting to pick up stars). After that we walked over to the Superstore to get some food and also visit a friend of Melissa's (who ended up not working there) and Courtney and I shared and ate an entire chicken (Melissa had a medium macaroni and cheese). It was so good and funny and gross at the same time but we were like still hungry afterwards. Then we went to the Rockets game against Bathurst and it was a good game. It got really exciting near the end because Courtney and I were both cheering for Bathurst and Melissa was left cheering for the rockets and so we were like all into it hoping that they would win. Except towards the end they kinda gave up and mostly checked, even though they COULD'VE won (it was only 4-3) but they didn't try so the Rockets did.

And yeah, that was my last few days... hope you enjoyed reading this extra long post to make up for the past 2 (or 3 including today) of blogging. ENJOY YOUR WEEK!


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