Wednesday, December 06, 2006

My Wednesday

went pretty smoothly. Math test first period which *knock on wood* wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but still challenging. Figuring out how to do a question during the test that I didn't know how to do before helped a bit too lol. Actually the day went better than I thought it would be, since this morning I felt so dizzy and when I stumbled into math class in the morning even Hilary got worried because she said I looked so pale haha. But yeah, not too much happened in school; went to the computer lab and totally goofed off in English, listened to talk in history, "learned" about acids and bases in chemistry even though we have a test tomorrow and it's not even on it and I barely even understand what that's on which means I will bomb the test tomorrow which means instant death, and etc.

Tonight though was the youth group outing to the Rockets game at the Civic Centre. Though no one (with maybe the exception of Ben and the other real hockey fans) really paid attention to the game itself, it was a blast. Haha rockets/blast... nevermind. And thanks to the frequent trips between the seat and Tim Hortons, I got to know the rink pretty well and hopefully next time I won't get lost and be forced to crawl over three sections of people haha. Oh and not only did I high-five Tommahawk (the mascot although i will never be used to calling him that name) but I also got a water bottle, thanks to Riley but really Will. You see, the water bottle was being thrown into the crowd by the mascot and Will caught it except Riley grabbed it from him. And then Riley was hungry and gave me money to go to Tim Hortons and buy him a donut and he said if I went not only would I be at the TOP of his list of best friends but that I would also get the water bottle. So, not knowing that the water bottle wasn't even his to begin with, I did and then he gave me the water bottle and then I learned afterwards that it was really Will's but then Will didn't really want it and so he said I could keep it anyways. I will probably post a picture of the water bottle some time in my posts to come because it's so cool but it's bright yellow with a black top and it says "Kick it!" on it (because it's a soccer themed sports bottle in the hockey game.. go figure). I can only imagine the fun we are both going to have haha. All in all the game was pretty good; the Rockets lost though 3-1 but really they weren't playing that good and didn't make that many shots (from what Friend told me; I barely know the basics of hockey) and yeah...

After the game though I couldn't find Friend and so I didn't have a way home and so I decided to walk. Which was great; ever since the cold weather I've got this new-found love for walking and it was such a beautiful night and everything. I got halfway home before Friend drove by and saw me walking and drove me the rest of the way, and not to mention commenting on my good directional skills when really I just started out walking until I hit a street I knew and then just kept going... shhh! haha

So yeah it's late and really it is almost 2 a.m. and for some reason I am still wide awake and hungry.. :S I think I will start getting ready for sleep now haha.

In the spirit of asian gangstaaaness: Live Life! DAWG.


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