Thursday, December 21, 2006

New Beginnings

So today is the 21st - meaning the official start of winter! Except that it was beautifully nice out today with the sun shining so much that you didn't even need to wear a jacket outside (I know because I ran out the door forgetting to grab one) and all the snow is starting to melt again.

Today also marked the beginning of finally conforming and switching to the new blogger. I know, I know but hey, times are a'changing. Who knows, maybe they changed it from last time I was on. But after I post this I'll go around and explore, and let you know what I think. You know, because that's something everyone needs to know haha. (I'm just joking, by the way, in case no one picked up on the sarcasm)

Oh and today also marks when the title of the new Harry Potter book is released (thanks Katie!). "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hollows." Sounds... interesting haha. But it's Harry Potter, so I'm sure i't will be good.

So what did I do today? I went to school, where the only classes that we did anything was math where Mr. Murley wrote a couple of examples to copy down and gave us a math sheet.. except no one really did them. We did get to listen to his cd of bad Christmas music though. Bad Christmas music as in a cd he made of people singing Christmas carols who can't sing very well or used the wrong instruments with the song; it was grand. And in chemistry we had to do some questions (a BUNCH of questions actually) except I got stuck on number 3 and by the time explained to me how to do it and I recopied the sheet because I wrote in marker because I lost my pencil class was basically over and so I didn't do much beyond that lol. So really I did no work all day and I know for sure I won't be tomorrow :D

My laptop for some reason wasn't picking up the wireless and so I called the support line, where I got to talk to a really cool girl from the Phillipines (did you know it's 12 hours later over there?). She's only 24 but she's graduated with a bachelor of science and psychology. I love calling technical support; you get to talk to some interesting people sometimes. Why people get so angry and frustrated is beyond me. But I guess if you call you should be prepared to be on for a while, because that's usually how long it takes. The fact that I have no life though makes things so much easier :P

Well anyways, that was my day. How was yours? Comment, blog, call, or all three if you would like!

Also, today marks the 50th post! Well technically there's 51, but one I never got around to publishing yet.. from like last month haha. But feel free to stop by and with cake and presents; I won't mind :P

P. S.
Am I the only one (other than Jill) who updates on a regular day-to-day basis? I strongly encourage you to update also!! *hint hint*


Vinnie said...

YAY 50TH POST!!!!!

Yeah, I have yet to look at the new blogger, I hope it's good though. Don't you just love watching those comercials like "if your phone is disconnected, call 1-800-you-fool and we'll help you out" or "Having problems with your internet? well go to' and we'll get you back online!" That always cracks me up.

My day was long, but I did get Houston and Hamilton done up with hotels. Don't stay in Hamilton, sure there's lots of nice people there, but their hotels are, well, they suck.

and harry potter is for overly masculine clay workers.

Well, time to look at the second post today, btw, you're breaking your own rules by putting two posts in one day. lol. You did that with the alphabet blogging too =P

sandy said...

what is wrong with working with clay and being a man?

okay i can see what would be wrong with being a man.. that would suck (for me anyways). But working with clay is fun.

I love those commercials, they are in the phonebook too haha. I almost cut some out to put them on my wall but then that'd be cutting up a phonebook, and you never know when that might've come in handy.

What's the nicest hotel in Canada?

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