Sunday, December 03, 2006


The weekend is over. It's sad to see it go; especially since it started out so well. But everything comes to an end I guess. Here are the highlights and the pictures Courtney and I both exclaimed, "That is SO going on my blog!"

Yes we're lame, but in a dorky kind of way ;)

On Friday, Katie, Courtney, and I went to the mall to do some Christmas shopping. Even though it was only Courtney who bought anything because she was the only one who already knew what everyone on her list wanted. Lucky her. We also went and checked out the new Dollarama that was there. Since this was my last Christmas here, we got our pictures taken with Santa. Or should I say Courtney and Santa got their pictures taken with Sandy haha. Except Katie was a bum and didn't come in; even though she took her two dogs the very next day. We never knew when he took our picture, he never said anything and I didn't know whether to sit in Santa's lap or not so our pictures came out kind of awkward. But it was fun. [insert picture here] We went all around the mall, trying on random stuff. Mostly shoes. There was this pair at Suzy Cher of high heels and I tried them on just for fun and wow they made me so tall; I loved them. I almost got them too, except that they wouldn't go with my dress at all for Christmas Semi (December 15th!). I was up to Katie's height and everything haha. At Zellers I bought this green tea stuff that came in a large can which came up to 99 cents exactly. It might just be my asianness talking here but I like it; it's a good drink and a good buy! So yeah afterwards we went outside to run across to Shoppers and what was it doing but it was snowing! Well it was more like snow/hail/freezing rain but it made the pavement so cold and slippy and crunchy it was absolutely wonderful. After Shoppers we ended up going to Wendys (what a surprise) and then we went home from there.

My Saturday it was a little different. I had to wake up early for a meeting at 9 which ran till nearly noon (and I wasn't even the last one there). I decided I wanted to walk home from Central by way of the boardwalk because even though it was cold and I didn't wear much in the way of a jacket it was still a beautiful day out. Halfway through the boardwalk I was looking at the cars driving by and who did I see but Friend, Florine, and Max! We were both completely surprised and so since they were taking Max out to the woods for a run anyway I got in the car, where Florine handed me half a large breakfast bagel (they knew I had only eaten an apple for breakfast in order to be on time for the meeting) and then they went into the woods. I scarfed down the bagel and then ran up to meet them and gave them a scare because Max had stopped and then started running back towards me and they thought he was chasing after a dog they had passed earlier but it was just me so it was alright. Max romped all around the woods and Friend thought he had seen a tent and so we all went to investigate even though Florine was scared we were going to get shot. It turned out to be just some tarp hanging on a branch and no one was there so we didn't end up getting shot after all. On the way back home they had some coupons for A&W and so we went and got a junior chubby chicken two piece carton and a root beer float. And OH MY i had no idea i could be in such love with a beverage. If you have never had one I highly recommend you head straight to the nearest A&W and try one; it is root beer with ice cream in it and they bode together so well. After heading home I decided to ditch all plans and went straight for a nap; which is nice because sleep is something I haven't had in such a long while. It only lasted for two hours though, because then Courtney called and I was in a walking mood and so we met up and walked all the way to A&W (where I got another root beer float and then also an order of onion rings) and met Katie there and then we headed back to the mall. We tried on so many shoes at Winners and then took photos of them with Courtney's camera. Like the boots? We have such good taste! (haha I am joking) [insert pictures here] and then afterwards we headed to (where else) Wendy's. Oh yeah and I got another green tea at Zellers. [insert picture here] So including the breakfast bagel bought somewhere else and the two A&W's and the Wendy's I ate out yesterday FOUR TIMES. No wonder Robbie and Nathan call me a cow haha.

Sunday was different though. It was more like a moldy fortune cookie: not so good at the first and the end but fun in the middle. I had an unexpected early wake-up call this morning (literally) and then I went to church for the last week of Bethlehem Village. This week I kind of knew what to expect but was still nervous about it but I had prayed about it and sure enough it turned out really well. The kids even listened to me and got along. One of them who missed his mommy even started warming up to me and hugged me and another one gave me a little cup of orange and pommegranite he had made. I never knew I was so loved haha. All in all it was a good program and I was sad to see it end; although next week the kids will be costumed and singing and dancing up in front of the church for everyone to see, which will be neat. After getting home though I've been feeling even more sick and tired and everything in-between which kinda sucks but oh well. What I would really like to do now is go for a walk, but it's 8pm and dark and I don't know if I'll be allowed out. But hey there's only one way to find out right? Who knows, maybe the coldness will freeze away the flu that I feel developing already haha.

It sucks when something happens and there's nothing you can do about it except pray and pray hard. But at times like that I guess you just have to remember something I heard Friend mention once during a shut-in communion: "Though prayer seems like it's the least you can do, it is actually the most." I know I've probably mentioned it a million times before but when I heard that for the first time it really made me stop and think to just how important prayer is. Prayer is mentioned so many times in the Bible and is so crucial that Paul tells us to "Pray continually," (1 Thess. 5:17) and says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." (Phil. 4:6). There are so many more examples and when you search it up in it brings up 365 results. That's one for every day of the year; coincidence? I think not! :)

Oh and for those of you who wonder what we do at lunch other than book a room and sneak in food?
[insert picture here]
And the saddest part is, we had rubbed off the "at MCC" part to write something else and then the teacher came in and said that we forgot to write our name down when we booked the room (I won't say who did it but haha that was hilarious) and so other people signed up and we had to leave and it wasn't until we were in a different room that we realised oh crap it still says "BOYS SUCK" in big letters on the board! Wow we must be the most immature grade 12ers ever haha.
[insert picture here]


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