Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Toilet Paper Is Nice

So today was a pretty interesting day. Hilary, Jill, and I are masters of making our own entertainment during chemistry class, mostly because by then we (or at least me) are too dead from lack of sleep to really pay any attention. But really, class is hard to pay attention to anyway, so we have an excuse.. sort of haha. Which basically sums up my whole school day.

On the walk home from school, I passed by and watched this lovely light brown seagull (must be another new kind!), not knowing that I was being watched myself. However, I took notice when I passed the van in the parking lot and nearly fell over when it honked! Krystle was nice enough to give me a ride home from Queen Charlotte, taking a detour to MCC to drop Vinnie off on the way, and made her first backing-up into my driveway ever. And WITHOUT smashing her car, although she only got a quarter in and was literally an inch away from hitting the rocks haha.

Upon getting home, I went to the bathroom, and lo and behold, a brand new roll of toilet paper! And not the low-grade kind either, but it was beautifully soft. There's nothing like having a good roll of toilet paper; I'm looking forward to the days to come... :)

So tonight at youth group (check the blog) they are making apple pies, which sounds totally amazing but I don't know if I can go. I've got a whack-load of homework and also that huge research essay to do for tomorrow. Honestly, I'm a little scared of it haha.

But not as scared as I will be trying to do the debate. Between preparing for the debate, studying for exams, and REALLY gearing-up on physics, the Christmas break for me sounds like school without the benefit of leaving the house or being over at a reasonable time.

But hey, it's Christmas! Only 12 days left!!

(oh and did I mention we got our tree up today! another nice surprise after school)


Courtney Saunders said...

yeah toilet paper can be interesting... and yay christmas tree, is it real or fake? im allergic to real ones :( it sucks

sandy said...

that sucks... you are like allergic to everything haha. it's real.

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