Saturday, December 09, 2006

Wow I almost forgot to blog today, and the day after making the goal of blogging every day too! Not that I don't already, but now it just gives me an excuse haha.

So what did I do this fine Saturday day? Let me fill you in...

First off, I SLEPT IN! sounds normal, but when this is your only sleep-in day in the week and really you have only slept in about 3 times this entire school year.. well, it becomes a reason to celebrate. And celebrate I did, not even getting up to shower until twenty after twelve. Man that was nice.

And since this was pretty much a stay-at-home saturday for me, I decided I might as well get some work done, and I actually did my homework not last minute! *proud moment* Now all I have to do is clean my room and I'll be all set, but that is for later tonight.

It's hard to believe it but Christmas is coming; and coming fast! I still have to get started on Christmas shopping, which means not only a mass amount of digging into Scotland funds *gulp* but also trying to think of the perfect gift for everyone at Christmas *double, triple, quadruple gulp*. It is an exciting time though and now with everything covered in a beautiful blanket of snow it just adds to the festiveness of the season.

So last night I went to a Christmas party with MCC and it was fun. In the words of Vinnie, "I've never seen anyone get so into a game of tic-tac-toe." We went to Magic Wok, a chinese food buffet place I never even knew existed! But then again, I don't eat much chinese food on the Island. I used to go with Mom but she only went to a few where she got to know the people pretty well so we didn't go around much. When she was here in the summer though we went to a nice one downtown that had really good food and fairly fast service but I forget what it was called. One day I will have to go around and try out all the different restaurants on PEI but for now that will have to wait.

Talking about eating made me realise that I haven't eaten since summer at 6 so I should probably go down and get something to eat. Except there is only one last bagel and I can't really think of anything else down there. Maybe popcorn? Popcorn is good. Mmm popcorn...


Vinnie said...

hey, i've been quoted! this means i'm now famous. Go Me!

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