Saturday, January 20, 2007


I was at a senior citizen's home a few weeks ago (I think that's the proper term) and just when I was leaving there was this lady crying because no one had taken her down to supper yet and she didn't know what she was doing. And I didn't know what to do (me + awkward situations = slight to medium fear) but I stayed and talked with her for a little while until someone came and though 95% of the conversation consisted of me teaching her how to pronounce my name("Sandy Chang." "What?" "Sandy, you know, like the beach." "Sandy. Yes I know that; what's your last name again?" "Chang." "Ch-. What??" "Chang. Uhh chuh-ang." "...Sandy, right?" "Umm yes." (wow that probably is not funny to anyone but I found it funny at the time. I never knew my last name was so difficult to pronounce haha), it filled me with intense sadness because I wondered where her family is and whether she breaks down every night thinking that she is abandoned. And I know a lot of people their families don't visit and even though I'm not much better (when was the last time I went around visiting everyone in the homes? Barely ever, even with Friend) it still breaks my heart. And really, it should. I mean family (though it may not be much) are so special.

I don't have nearly as strong a bond with the people in my immediate family, and haven't seen relatives in the longest time. But even so, they're special. We all screw up majorly and make horrible mistakes and decisions but family is family, no matter how different.

Anyways, about that time at the home. It got me to thinking about even though it seemed like a pretty good place there was a shortage of nurses, which I guess is expected because there's a shortage of nurses EVERYWHERE, even in the big hospitals. And even though I know only barely minimum about nursing, I think that (or something liek it) would be something I'd like to do. I haven't told anyone this yet, mostly because I don't know much about it and also because, well as much as I want a "helping profession" I am a little hesitant about working in the medical field because if you make a mistake that's someone's life you're messing around with, not like some computer program or something. And if you know me at all you will know that I am very accident prone. Plus, even to get into nursing school is tough and if you do get in the work is hard and the hours are long and erratic (so I hear). But I don't mind hard work and long and erratic hours so much and plus I love learning stuff, especially if it's good to know or has a purpose (and sometimes especially if it doesn't haha). But I guess I'll have to do more research on it and a lot of prayer but if that's where God's leading me then I know He'll work me past my fears.

Other possible career choices? According to the "Choices" program that they offer at school, my highest match was a nutritionalist/dietician. Which as strange as it sounds could be something I could actually enjoy. Believe it or not I had a "healthy spurt" once, a long while ago and love learning about how food affects your body and what is rich in what haha. What is fiber good for? Makes your poops good. If your poops aren't good, eat things rich in fiber. Preferably natural. An actual orange is better than orange juice. When you cut a fruit and leave it to open air, in 30 minutes half of it's nutritional value will already be lost (learned from eXalt two years ago; those smoothies were soo good). Celery is the best "diet" food because it takes more calories to digest it than the actual calories it has. Okay I need to stop myself. But just one more: protein is crucial to problem-solving and making good decisions. Don't know where I picked that one up but it really surprised me because Barney (Florine's cat) had this thing where she couldn't eat protein and one day got hit by a car crossing the road, which she was always so smart and careful to avoid. And I thought maybe that was why: she didn't have enough protein.

Maybe I can figure out a way to combine those two jobs or something haha. I have no idea where this whole post came from. Just kinda popped out of nowhere and was unexpected. Actually I wasn't even thinking I was serious of thinking of either occupation until I started writing and it just reminded me of them. It was a good sidetrack to what's really on my mind. But anyways, picking out your job, that's another year (although according to "the smarts" you should already have picked out your career by now). For now I have to get back to studying.. exams are next week! *panic*

Life is short. Pray hard.


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