Saturday, February 24, 2007

Just Another Saturday

This week has been an interesting week. Driving around, winter carnival (at school), prom dress shopping, and drive-thru's are only bits and pieces of what's been going on.

But I will fill you in on just today, since I have some pictures.

Katie, Courtney, and I had a road trip down to Kensington to check out the prom dresses there. It was an hour drive so we took a bunch of mix cds of old songs (Spice Girls, Britney Spears, O-town, etc) and sang along with them, proving just how lame we are haha :)

At the bridal shop only Courtney found stuff she liked. Katie and I just walked around judging the wedding dresses and trying on the veils to be idiots lol. Anyways we didn't stay long and so we went into Kensington and then moved on to Summerside to check out the mall. There were practically no stores in there and so we went to (where else) the Dollarama and browsed around there before heading over to MacDonald's.

After that we went over to Cavendish to see what it was like. There was literally nothing open; it was like a ghost town. Even the gas station was boarded up and closed. Kind of creepy actually. Then we went to the beach, even though none of us were dressed for it and here is where I got my camera out to take pictures:

Then I forced Katie to take a picture of me to prove we were really there.

Back in the car, we were on the road again.

Katie wanted to show us the upside-down tree and so we drove there and I was so amazed I got out and took a picture.

I also got a shot of some losers who sat in the car and waited.

Just joking haha they aren't losers. After all they get to hang out with me :P

Anyways I was so fascinated by the tree that I wanted to see it up close. So handing Katie the camera, I jumped the fence and got to touch it for myself. And yes, it was a real tree!

But when we were leaving the car got stuck in the parking lot. In the middle of the ghost town. Right after Katie had called her mom saying she was on her way home. From Kensington. We were like "Oh man we are so screwed." Thankfully though, after some strategizing, maneuvering around, and the pushes of Courtney and I, we got the car going and we slipped and slided our way back to the car (it was PURE ICE) and got out of there, laughing so hard we almost peed. And we REALLY had to go.

(here is a picture of the mess the car made in the parking lot trying to escape. you have to look closely though)

So we drove back to Charlottetown to Shoppers Drug Mart where they have a washroom and we practically ran around the store to get to the washroom because by that point we were at the point of our bladders letting loose on us. I asked for a key to the men's washroom, that's how bad we had to go lol.

So anyways, that was our eventful day, which I'm sure we'll be laughing about for a while to come.

Well my job is done. I came, I saw, I blogged.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Vinnie said...

yeah, that picture of the parking lot is really tough to see. that sounds like an aweful lot of driving for shopping for prom dresses, especially since you didn't even buy any. I hope you gave Katie money for gas.

Katie "the awesome" Clarke said...

i have a toyota(?) and it is like amazing on gas so no need for gas money. we drove 70kms friday, and 160 on saturday and it didnt even go below half and im not even counting in all the driving my dad did on saturday morning for like 3 hours. so its all good. that was such a fun day. i pretty sure we cant sing if our lives depended on it. what would our long excursions be without courtneys amazingly old compact discs.. lol. so ya im gonna go we should find a completely even further away prom dress store and do it all again. so ya i think im going to go i know you <3 long coments so here you go. thanks for pushing out my car or i would still be sitting there my the upside down tree. probably peeing my pants by know.

Melissa Kendra said...

You tree hugger! Haha, it looks like you had fun. You should come visit me, and go prom dress shopping in St. John, they have some nice dresses.

sandy said...

haha that would be amazing!

except for the fact that to leave the Island i need paperwork.. that part is not so fun.

but you should come here and visit us in pei :D

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