Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Finally I have got the cold. I say "finally" not because I was looking forward to it but for the past ever I've been starting to get it and so now here I am: sore throat, runny nose, puffy face, and all.

Does it help that tomorrow is the last day for ordering my prom dress (yes the one that makes me look like a cake) and chances are I will not be able to make it tomorrow, cold or not?

Oh crap, speaking of cake, I was supposed to make something for the bake sale tomorrow morning. I keep missing those.

Well I blogged (and actually updated for real) so now I'm going to go and sabatoge myself by succumbing to my current cravings: ice cream.

There is a nagging voice at the back of my head reminding me of the stomach pains that come with cold foods. But hey, you only live once.

And if you're going to go out, might as well go out with a bang!



Vinnie said...

sounds like someone finally caught the T-virus =P. and how would a prom dress make you look like a cake? and what bake sale tomorrow? ugg, i'm so confused. and tired, extremely tired... so now it's bed time. G'night ms. sandy.

btw, how can your nose be runny? it's like physically impossible =P (and I don't mean in your nose grew legs and started a marathon)

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