Sunday, March 18, 2007

In Toronto

Well it was a long ride but I arrived safe and well (for the most part) and am now sitting at home about to eat supper in Toronto. I say for the most part because I woke up this morning with the cold, but I get that anyways lol.

So what have I been up to ever since I arrived? First thing I did after my dad and brother came to get me (even before eating) was to go home and SHOWER. Over 24 hours of sitting, sleeping, and eating on a bus makes you feel kind of gross afterwards and so it was nice. Then we watched Talladega Nights (hilarious!), went to a congee restaurant (it's like a rice soup in case you were wondering. it's good), came back, watched some other movies, and then went to bed because there was church the next morning.

Church was cool; Julie, Mike, and I went to a different one; one that Mike and I used to go when we were really little with mom. Except this time I was old enough to stay upstairs with the adults haha. It was a Chinese-English church, and instead of having two services there was just one with a translator for everything, including the announcements and the sermon! What I also thought was really cool was that when it came time to pray it was just anyone in the congregation who did it, and in their own language too so you'd have like a prayer in cantonese and then someone else would pipe up with a prayer in english, and then after a few minutes you'd hear another one in mandarin.

After church we went to a Korean restaurant (yes I know what you are thinking and shut up, i'm from taiwan) and they gave this huge bowl of noodles each, not to mention a bunch of free appetizers. One of the great thing about chinese restaurants here is that when you spend $8 on food good or bad, you get your EIGHT DOLLARS worth. So it's nice either way.

Then went to Fairview mall, which is nice because it's walking distance from the apartment. Didn't do much shopping since neither Mike nor I had money but we did a lot of browsing and walking around.

Oops, supper's ready. Got to go!

8:39 p.m
I forgot to press publish so when I went to turn off the laptop this popped up. It's weird how exhausted I am; even though it's not even nine I'm ready to hit the sack. But no sleep for a while tonight; this family is addicted to Deal or No Deal and I have a feeling I will be sucked into this craze too, especially since there's a two-hour special on tonight. It's funny because apparently dad and his girlfriend have this way of knowing when to stop and so now Julie's dream is to go on the show. And anyways Mike's bringing out his ps3 tonight, so it's likely it will be a late late night. Man am I regretting not sleeping in on Friday.

But nights are always nice here, especially after everyone has gone to bed. Living in the penthouse has it's benefits, such as a spectacular view. It's hard to describe it but it's so nice. Anyways I'm gonna go. The show will be on soon. Bye!


Melissa Kendra said...

Your dad lives in the penthouse? Wow, that's pretty cool. I hope you're having fun, and you better take some pictures so I can see the awesome view too! Haha. I hope you're having fun :)

Katie "the awesome" Clarke said...

ahh sandy? i do beleive you forgot one minor detail in your whole blog.

sandy said...

you're right. i should've updated it after the deal or no deal show. It was amazing, the guy on there was on such a roll with the banker even offering over $400 000 and he ended up walking away with ten. Oh man, I felt so bad for him!

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