Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday Monday Monday

Don't worry, I didn't die on the way back; I was just too tired to update last night.

The plane ride was good; had interesting conversations with the people I sat with (one of the benefits of the middle seat) and got as much calculus done as I understood enough to do. Also watched "How It's Made" so it was a very educational plane ride.

Stayed out until 11 p.m. trying to finish the poster for the psychology project with Courtney and Katie. Only to find out we had a substitute the next morning. Ugh..

School wasn't all that bad though. Even made it on time, after walking in and almost sitting down in the wrong class. Found out how much Gaelic I lost during the Gaelic-Drama-Choir After-School Group. I desperately need to review x.x

Went to the gym tonight over at Stratford with Courtney and Katie. First time there, and it was fun. But I have a feeling that tomorrow will be a sore day. You know what they say: no gain, no pain. Err something to that effect.

Anyways I'm only downstairs waiting for my laundry to be done (my laptop isn't working wireless just yet) and eating some much-needed nutrition in the form of milk and cheese and both of those are done so I'm gonna go. Enjoy the week!


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