Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Day Of Change

For once I'm not going to do a big long blog but I just wanted to say that I hope you had a HAPPY EASTER!

Sorry for the belated wishes. But they are from the bottom of my heart, as you can tell by all the colouring I did for the letters :)

They even have a special meaning behind them, as these are the colours used in a lot of different Easter projects over the years.

Red - Jesus' Blood
Yellow - Hope/Joy
Green - Life
Purple - Royalty

At the Easter thing that Sherwood put on for the kids there was also icing for cookies the colour of sand, but they don't have it on here and since the kids were kind of grossed out by it anyways ("Sand for our icing?!") I figured I might as well leave it haha.

Hmm so much for a "short post!"


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