Monday, April 23, 2007

A Much Better Monday Post

I may not ever be as cool as Spiderman, Batman, or any other stacked-up superhero, but I must admit that today I, Sandy "Insert Name Here" Chang, have saved the day.

Well actually only part of the afternoon.

Shock. Gasp. Hyperventilate. I know.

It all started when I went with Courtney, Cody (her nephew), and Katie to Dairy Queen after school today (if you are in my french class and happen to randomly stumble onto my blog, I am apologizing in advance for this afternoon, but it was such a lovely summery day). We went in, sat down, and enjoyed our ice-cream and on the way out Courtney could not find her keys. We joked about how it's in the car, and it came true. The one time everyone remembers to lock our doors, she leaves the keys inside. With the engine running the entire time!

Thankfully the window was open just enough to stick part of your arm through. I tried to fit my arm through. Didn't go all the way. They lifted up Cody and tried to fit his arm through. His didn't go either. Panic! Tried Cody's arm again. He was starting to cry because he couldn't do it. So to make things better I tried one more time and used my body weight to shove my arm into that window so I could unlock the door. And I got it! Though my joy quickly turned into more pain when Katie, being excited, opened the door with my arm still attached. Thankfully Courtney came to my rescue though and quickly rolled down the window! Anyways, as it turns out the car was parked right in front of the drive-thru window and when we got the door unlocked both the person in the drive-thru and the people in the van waiting gave us a round of applause. Kinda cool but super embarassing at the same time!

Well that was my must-blog-about moment of the day. Actually it was more like I was commanded to, as if the other people in the car weren't capable of blogging about it themselves... jerks.

Haha just joking. But seriously everyone, update your blogs. It makes me feel not as much as a loser sitting here trying to keep up my quota of a blog-a-day. *sigh*


Jill said...

YAY super Sandy! And sowwy, i'll update as much as I can which can be a challenge.

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