Sunday, April 22, 2007

Nice Day

"Zounds, it is even now at my elbow, persuading me not/to kill the duke."
- King Richard The Third

And who said Shakespeare wasn't interesting? Remember that big book of all Shakespeakre's plays that I got for Christmas? Well I kind of forgot about it until a few days ago, when I started reading it again. Sadly after all this time I am only on page 59... about three and a quarter plays. You have to wonder where he comes up with all of this though. I mean even though it's loosely based on history, where did he learn this history in the first place, since he was the one teaching it to other people? Pretty amazing when you think about it.

Today was a beautiful Sunday. It actually feels like spring now, with the sun shining and the cool breeze. The soil is even soft now, and the grass is starting to turn green. We had some daffodils and tulips around the house a few weeks ago. Funny how something so simple can instantly brighten up any room.


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