Saturday, April 28, 2007

What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

I just finished talking to my dad. You know how he said I could go to MCC if I paid my own way? Well he changed his mind. Again. After fighting over the phone, he gave me an ultimatum: go to university next year or he doesn't want anything more to do with me. What is someone supposed to say to that? What is the right thing to say? I don't know. The last thing I would ever want to lose is family. It's why I wanted to stay on the Island in the first place. But now...

Anyways I said I would go to university next year. I don't want to at all now but I said I would. So I guess I'm going.

Well on the bright side I guess that takes care of the student loans and getting a job, though I was kinda excited about that. And I told my dad if I was going to university it would NOT be Ryerson, because the only reason he wants me there is because his friend is one of the head of departments and I hate being nothing but "bragging rights." Not that there's anything to brag about but some people will make something out of nothing just to impress their friends. Ugh. But I digress. More good things? I'll be getting my own apartment in Hamilton, because it'd be McMaster that I want to go into. Close to the school of course, but a place of my own. With my own furniture. Maybe he will change his mind later on (for some reason that wouldn't surprise me) but for now it is a helping thought. And after the initial frustration wears off, I could end up really liking the place. Who knows?

So that is where I will be next year. Shortly after I come back from Scotland I will be leaving for Toronto so I can pick out an apartment and furniture. I don't think I will be here even for my birthday which I had wanted to be and I definitely won't be here for camp, which I had really been looking forward to. But it will be an experience for sure and I guess this way I will at least know what's going on.

Whatever my dad expects me to get from a university degree I don't know but I'll be glad to be on my own when he realizes I won't get it! :P


Jill said...

I can't believe that you're father is making you chose like that. Thats a horrible thing to make you chose between. Like i'm sure you know I feel about this so I wont rant on like crazy.

Melissa Kendra said...

Look on the bright side: When you move to Hamilton, I'm going to come visit you, and we're going to go to the African Lion Safari thing you told me about. And we're gonna go pet the lions, k? And it'll be so amazingly fun that you'll forget about not going to MCC. But... you will, eventually. Your dad can't make you go where he wants forever. At some point, he's going to have to let you do want YOU want, it is your life after all. I encourage you to go listen to the song "College Kids" by Relient K.

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