Saturday, April 07, 2007

What A Night

Went to Blades of Glory with Jill, Robbie, and Vinnie. It was so funny but so wrong in some parts haha. Actually different than what I expected. Gotta love the ending though; totally completed the movie.

Who knew that there would be a big snowstorm in April? April! Most of the time whenever one is predicted in the winter, it doesn't come, or at least not to the full extent. But just when you don't expect it to come (I laughed at the report; it was so nice and sunny out this morning!) it comes. And boy did it come.

After the movie Jill and I went with Robbie to MCC to watch the hockey game between Toronto and Montreal. Near the end of the third period Jill and I looked outside and it was snowing steadily but not bad. Less than three minutes later when we looked out again it turned worse. Very worse. Leaving with 6:38 left in the third period, I frantically brushed off the almost three inches of snow off the car - only to have it covered again by the time I moved from the front to the back. That just gives you an idea how bad it was lol. I tried going 50 but went 20-40 the entire way there and back, it was that scary.

Me + car + snowstorm + small roads = not good!

But thankfully here I am safe and sound in my own bed and none the worse for wear, except for a feeling of exhaustedness that I've had all day. Not really sure why; just too much going on I guess. That and not getting enough sleep haha.

Well so far this long weekend has been interesting.


I had bought a coffee earlier today and when I came back I almost threw it out, forgetting about roll up the rim. But I stopped myself, and was like "Man this better be a car after that long drive..." Then I rolled, and the first thing that caught my eye was the "Win/Gagner," followed by "C-." I nearly jumped for joy! But when I opened it all the way, it was only "Coffee." A little disappointing but it's still a free coffee nonetheless so I am happy haha.

Anyways, just thought I'd share what I -almost- got.


I checked with Friend when I got home - the Leafs won 6-4 against the Canadiens. Now if only the Rangers would lose, Toronto would make the playoffs!

Not a major hockey fan but I do cheer for Toronto, so hopefully they get in *crosses fingers*


Jill said...

Haha was it ever an interesting night though!

sandy said...

sure was!

Jill said...

We so need to do it again=P

sandy said...


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