Saturday, May 26, 2007

I Guess I Better Update

Not too much has been happening lately. This week has been a little loopy but since when is it not haha.

Well my dad e-mailed me back the questions for the developmental diary today, a week after it was due. I was born at 9:46 am, weighed 2405 grams, and said "baba" (chinese for daddy) at about 20 months. I didn't even walk until I was two, so I guess that makes me slow as a baby.

The Scotland trip is now less than a month away and I'm pumped but so nervous at the same time. Haven't reviewed Gaelic at all, which means I have forgotten most of it. My pen pal still never wrote me back, hope I didn't accidentally write something offensive haha.
"Hello my name is *insert expletive here*."
I still have my book so sometime this weekend I will make myself relearn the language so I can be in tiptop shape for our lunch-time meetings on Thursday. Hopefully it'd make up for me "jigging" the last two :P

Now that I'm in it, I know why people drop out near the end of their last semester of school. After 12 years of school all the motivation has been sapped and summer can't seem to come fast enough!

Well this is about as long as I can make it, I'm off to embrace the day.

Twenty-four degrees my butt!


Melissa Kendra said...

I'm so jealous, you get to go to Scotland! I wish Fundy High had a Gaelic class, but nooo... we just have French, and I get the teacher that hates me.

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