Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Maypril Fool

Yesterday I had called some moving people to have an idea of how much trucking my piano from here all the way to Hamilton would be. Most places wanted the weight first before they said anything. But there was this one place where the guy was enthusiastic and was telling me his life story about his moving business and gave me his email and everything. I thought wow, that was nice! And got off the phone thinking "He'd be the one to call!" WELL. Good thing I didn't follow up!

At supper today I was speaking with Friend and Florine and we were talking about plans for next year. I mentioned the phone calls I made to the different moving companies and how one of them was particularly helpful. They asked who it was and then laughed when I told them. Apparently they were crooks: their daughter was moving once and hired them, except part-way there the truck "had a problem" and she had to pay quite a bit extra and go after the company to get it to the destination. And that's not all. On a separate occasion, her friend used that same moving company and in the middle of the move the truck "broke down" and she was forced to spend over and above what she would've normally paid. No wonder they were so friendly!

Which is sad, because now I am a bit leery of moving companies. I'm sure 99.9% of them are legimate and I just happened to stumble across the bad one but at the same time I feel a little nervous of being sucked in again. And it's not like it's moving across town. It's 3 provinces away!

Anyways just thought that was kind of a funny story, how I almost got suckered into something you don't really think about getting suckered into haha.

Who knew this was such a big process?


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