Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What A Day.

I really think that in the list of the best universities UPEI should be near the top of that list. Working with them today they went over and beyond my expectations in terms of how much they care for each individual student and the quality of support they offer.

Yesterday when I was on the phone with my dad I had mentioned UPEI and to my great surprise he didn't hang up but instead asked about what programs they offered. So I wrote him an e-mail listing every one and asked if he would consider me going there. He told me to see if I could get in first and so last night I went and paid $50 to register and first thing this morning I called in Colonel Gray to get my transcript sent in. Well after 3 tries of ringing for a period of five minutes each I gave up and Friend decided to try one more time. He let it ring for a while too but this time he got the janitor who told him that the secretary was out for 2 weeks. Then my dad phoned and asked if I had gotten in yet and I explained to him how I had only applied the night before and he started scoffing and saying that I shouldn't have even bothered and so I rushed and told him that I would find out the answer by today for sure.

So down to business I went, calling first the School Board who, after speaking with three people didn't help much and suggested the Eastern School District. So I called there and after I had thought all hope was lost they transferred me to one of the Directors and though he said that there was nothing he could do and recommended that I call the university itself, he left his name and number so that if I reached a dead-end he would try to help me out as best he could. Spurred by this unexpected act of kindness (funny how you find encouragement in the oddest places) I called the university and they basically said that they can't do anything without the transcripts and that the school board should have access to them (which I had already asked and they didn't) and that their system is down anyways so they couldn't even access my application. I think Friend must've heard my heavy sighing because he asked to speak to them and ten minutes later we were out the door with my report cards in hand, heading to the university.

When we got there their system was back up and running and so they made a copy of my report cards and said that they'll see what they can do. Then after a break for lunch I had a meeting at the hospital which the half-hour I had expected it to last turned quickly into two and I think we all came out of it a little drained. Or in my case a lot drained, but let's not get into that. So after another half-hour of talking on the lawn (I don't know why I've been so blessed to be surrounded by people who care but I am so thankful for them) Friend and I headed straight over to the university to take the long shot of seeing if they had accepted me or not.

*insert deep breath*

We returned to the Registrar's Office and was informed that the person we had talked to had already left for the day and just as we were about to turn around they mentioned someone else working with Admittance was there. So we met with him and to my great joy they had (during my meeting) processed my application and was congratulating me on my admittance to the University Of Prince Edward Island, Faculty of Science!

I near fainted with joy and practically ran over to Student Services to book an appointment with the Academic Advisor. The person at the desk told me that the next available appointment wasn't until August 16th and I think he noticed my heart plopping to the floor because he was so nice and instead of just saying "see ya" he showed me how to use the UPEI website and register for courses myself and what I need and everything. So basically when I go to the Academic Advisor all I would have to do is to ask them to check it over. I don't know how many times I thanked him but by then my mouth was running faster than my brain and so he was probably very glad to get me out of there.

So sitting in the car in the UPEI parking lot I called my dad and told him the good news and he sounded pretty positive but said to wait until later tonight. So I went home, chilled for a while, went to the hospital, had a good chat with my mom and beefed up the goodness of PEI so she was happy about staying and then went home, excited in the fact that I was finally sure on where I was going to be.

Then the call came.

My dad had changed his mind, going back to how UPEI is barely even heard of and is not as good of a school as McMaster or whatever and so we argued and it ended up with him pulling the "If you go against what I say then I'm not going to have anything to do with you." Which I hate. But to his credit he said it a lot nicer this time and I am getting used to hearing it by now because I didn't even blink a tear. But after being so joyous it was like leaping right into a brick wall. I think my dad heard the splat because after I didn't say anything for a while he told me to think on it and said to call him back tomorrow morning when I have made up my mind.

The question remains: what now?

I had worked so hard for this. When I was going to MCC I had worked hard, even writing and typing out a two-page essay on why it was a good idea for me to go during March Break. I still have the completed application upstairs and the essay that you had to write, plus the letters of reference that I had gotten. But then today UPEI had to get involved and make special allowances to push me through and plus after that meeting I feel horrible for being somewhere other than PEI because it's just so much of a hassle for everyone else. I don't know. Family means a lot to me, even more because growing up we had never been close and it's only lately in the past few years that we have really gotten to know each other. And to be cut off from them all together... I don't know. I don't think I can do it. And maybe I'm being a coward about this, taking the easy way out or whatever, but right now it's looking like I will end up in Hamilton next year. And right now even the enticement of having my own place has faded considerably.

It was a funny day. Looking back it was so cool how things just seemed to work out whenever I thought I had hit a dead end. Maybe even tomorrow dad will change his mind, who knows. God has a pretty good way of showing us how much we need Him in our lives and I think today was one of them. So adios amigos, I'm heading to bed and sweet, sweet oblivion.

Cheers! :D

Haha this always cracks me up.


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