Sunday, December 30, 2007

And All At Once The Crowd Begins To Sing

Sometimes I lie in bed thinking about the choices I have made in my life and wonder if I am doing the right thing. Whether I'm where I should be, doing what I'm supposed to do. Some nights the answer is yes, how could it possibly be anything else? But other times I'm not so sure.

On the ride from Montreal to Hamilton, I struck a conversation with the person in the next seat and we had a great chat the entire flight - so much so that we were both surprised when the plane descended! A part of the conversation we shared some of our travels, our plans, and our dreams. We spoke of the places we would love to go, the things we wanted to do. I mentioned that I would most likely have to wait quite a while to do all these things and he urged me to not wait until he was 45 to do them like he did. And he was so confident in the things he was going to do. His dreams were not a question of "if" but of "when", and that "when" was very reachable.

I admire people like that. People who know what they're going to do and no matter what they do it. Some days I find myself heading towards the one of the attitudes I dislike the most: apathy. When you just throw up your hands and exclaim "I don't know and I don't care!" That scares me. Never do I want to be like that. And yet here I sit, with no goal and no motivation, at the supposed prime of my life.

Well no more. If there's one thing I know that is not the path I want to head down and 2007 is too precious of a year to waste, especially at the very end. 2008 is just around the corner, and with it brings a new semester, a new set of months, and most certainly a new beginning. Two days is all that's left of this year. I don't know about you but I'm going to resolve to borrow some of the attitude of a certain iconic figure and for those times when I do throw up my hands, the words coming out of my mouth I will strive to make them be: "To infinity... and beyond!"


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