Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Corporate Crime - The Illegal Actions Of A Corporation Or People Acting On Its Behalf

1. If you could say anything to the person who has hurt you most in life what would you say?
Umm... "hello"?

2. When will your next kiss be?
One way to find out.

3. What song are you listening to?
Rock And Roll All Nite - Kiss

4. What does it remind you of?
Tim Horton's. It's been on my mind.

5. Last movie you watched?
In theatres? P.S. I Love You

6. Which of your friends lives closest to you?
The ones I live with haha.

7. What CD is in your stereo?
300, Train, and one of Mike's (I think).

8. Has a friendship ended recently that you wish hadn't?
Not that I know of?

9. Last person you ditched class with?
Nic. Bad influence?

11. What are you most looking forward to?
Clean laundry ^^

12. What are your nicknames?
Don't really have one anymore, except maybe "Chippy" still.

13. Describe your dream life:
If I had a choice of doing anything right now I would probably travel everywhere but still go to university just for fun so - minus the traveling part - I'm living it?

14. Where would you like to live?
My own place someday :)

15. Last time you spent the night at someone's house?
Hmm not sure.

16. When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?
A couple of days ago?

1. Are you single? No.
2. Are you happy? Mhmm.
3. Are you bored? Obviously?
5. Are you Italian? Can't you tell?
6. Are you pregnant? Am I ever.
8. Are you cool? Of course.
9. Are you Irish? Even better.
10. Are your parents still married? Nope.

1. Last phone call you made: Dad.
2. Last phone call you received: Mom.
3. Last person/people you hung out with? Nic and his sister.
5. Last person you tackled: I don't recall but I sure remember who last tackled me! Haha.
6. Last person you IM'd: Morissa.
7. Last text message you received: Fido telling me I had less than $5 on my account.
8. Last person you hugged: Mike?
9. Last person you slept in a bed with: ...
10. Last person you laughed with: Ummm... Kumar?

1. Name and middle name?
It's just "Sandy"

2. What holiday is your birthday closest to?
Canada Day or... back to school shopping?

3. Favorite fruit?

4. Does it bother you when someone says they'll call you and they don't?
Sometimes yeah but I forget to call sometimes too :S

5. A random girl approaches you asking your name, you say...

6. Is there something you want?

7. What do you say if someone tells you you're gorgeous?

8. What do you hate about your school?
The amount of work. But it's expected so... maybe just the fact that the air is so cold and dry and school makes you go outside and have possible nosebleeds.

9. What are you doing besides this survey?
Watching the time.

10. Do you trust all of your friends?

11. What is your worst habit?
Not doing what I should be doing.

12. Last thing you ate?
Ribs, rice, and veggies.

13. Listening to?
The radio.

18. Where would you want to go on a first date?
Somewhere fun.

19. When is the last time you were hugged?

20. When was the last time you laughed?
Haha not sure. In the past hour?

21. What makes you laugh?
Things I find comical or sweet.

22. Ever been kissed under fireworks?
Don't think so.

23. Have you ever kayaked?
Haha yeah.

24. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?

25. Are you a racist?
Not seriously haha.

26. What are you wearing?
Jammies and a blanket. It's cold.

27. What's your favorite song at the moment?
I just heard this Archie song and I love it haha.

28. Have you met any new people?

29. Who is the last person who hurt your feelings?
Not sure.

30. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property?
Umm no.

31. Have you ever been punched?

32. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Their smile.

33. What do you usually order from Burger King?
Whopper combo and mozzarella sticks.

34. What time do you usually go to sleep?
I try to aim for midnight but... not very successful.

35. Tomorrow is:
A brand new day!

36. Bad thing about tomorrow?
Didn't make appointment for a thing I should be doing (see "Bad Habits").

37. Are you comfortable with your height?
As long as I don't shrink haha.

38. Do you speak any other language other than English?
Not fluently :(

39.Why did you cry last?
Because I was upset?

42. What color is your hair?
Mostly dark brown,

43. When is the last time you cried?
I swear I've already answered this before.

44. Have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die?
Haha yeah.

45. Last time you were on a plane?
December 28, 2007. It was raining.

46. Do you like anyone at the moment?
I can't think of anyone I dislike.

47. If so, do you think they like you back?
If someone didn't like me I'd sure hope they'd tell me.

48. What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas :)

49. What are you looking forward to in the next few months?
School and constant trips to Tim Horton's. Because I'm just that cool.

50. What are you NOT looking forward to in the next few months?


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