Sunday, February 10, 2008


Okay, I've gotten a few interesting comments about my last post. So just to set the record straight, no I do not hate men and secretly want to kill them for real. It was just simply me poking fun at a quote from a book that I have read. Nor do I oppose the idea of feminism. In fact, I think it is a good thing. However, the term "feminism" carries with it different connotations. Let's address them, shall we?

What Feminism Is To Me:
- The advocacy for the rights of all women
- The raising of awareness on issues such as sexism, racism, ageism, and all sorts of social inequalities
- The struggle for unity between women and men

What Feminism Is Not To Me:
- A pursuit of power to make women greater than men
- A hate group targeted towards males
- Soley focused on homosexuality nor is it "down" on heterosexuality in any way
- Purely "pro" on issues such as abortion, prostitution, or pre- and extramarital sex

Granted, there are those who do not agree with this definition, saying it is too mild and not real feminism at all. There are feminists who start women-only communities, buy things built only by women's hands, and even change the spelling of "woman/women" so that it does not include the word "man" (i.e. womyn). But personally (don't send hate mail over this) I think those approaches lean so far one way that it starts to lose what feminism was originally all about. There are many issues in life that are important, but it's also very possible to take these too far.

So for those who have a problem with feminism, I would encourage them to take another look at what it's all about. And if you still do... well tough beans. There are people of every sex, colour, and background already in the schools, workplaces, and places of public. I would suggest getting used to it, because we're not going to back down :)


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