Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I Will Meet You Where That Dark Road Ends

Who was the last friend in your room?
I don't have a room :(

Do you miss someone?

Song playing?
"Wish You Well" by Justin Hines. Such a good song!

What are you doing tomorrow?
Cleaning, errands, work, and umm surviving the Toronto summer.

What's annoying you right now?
This heat and humidity! Alaska sounds pretty nice right about now.

Do you want to go back to elementary school?
Nah, too many rules.

What were you doing tonight?
Worked, accidentally ordered expensive (but good chinese food), and drove a lot.

Who did you ride in a car with last?

Are you tired?
Kinda. Caffeine is starting to wear off...

What do you think of cell phones?
Useful but embarrassing when it rings in inappropriate places.

What color is the shirt you are wearing?

What will you do Sunday?
Get some weekend rest!

Last person to call you?

Do you have any interesting bruises or scars?
Most of my scars with stories are faded, but I do have a birthmark that everyone thinks is a bruise.

Where were you at noon yesterday?
Sleeping :)

How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
Depends... usually about an hour if I haven't showered yet.

Have you been outside of Canada?

The last comment you received was from?
Courtney. Pretty sure she's like the only one who checks my blog anymore... or at least leaves comments :P

Last show you watched?
Malcolm in the Middle.

Do you wish at 11:11?
Usually no, but I did today :)

Do you wear any jewelry?
At the bare minimum, I have my grad watch from the Herrings.

Do you have any piercings?
Ears, twice.

Last person you hugged?

Do you sing in the shower?

Do you love anyone?
There's no one that I hate :)


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