Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mall & Beach-ing

On Saturday, Mike took me to the mall Vaughan Mills, which I had heard so much about. And no wonder it's so famous: the place is huge and with all the nice stores that big Ontario malls have, they also have outlet ones so that you can spend a lot and feel great knowing that you saved a ton still. For example, the shoes Mike was looking at was $150 in one store and in the Nike outlet they were $70. And the mall is so big that they have neighbourhoods. And apparently there is a racetrack and bowling alley, but we never really saw them. Saw an arcade though, but we never went back to stop in. Oh and never order bubble tea with double the tapioca. We did that by accident and like half the cup was bubbles. Not as good as some might think...

Went to the beach yesterday with Mike, Nic, Jesse, and Carmen. The beach at Wasaga was definitely the most crowded beach I have ever seen. The road that goes around it stretches on forever, but all while you are looking out the window wondering if there was even place for you to put a towel down. Parking alone took 20 minutes. But though it was pretty windy, it was still a lot of fun. The water was warm and wavy, and for those like me who aren't very good at swimming, the water doesn't go above your head even if you go really far. If you go to Beach One there's a lot of neat stores, which we never went into but I would love to check them out sometime. Pedro's Gift Shop looked interesting. The place we did go to, Banana's (a bar) served drinks in actual coconuts with those drink umbrellas. Definitely worth the big bill. The onion rings that I had were nice and juicy, and everyone's food looked really good. If you get a meal they give you a massive amount of fries. Though we didnt' stay that late, I hear from Dil at work that you can see the entire sunset from Wasaga, and it's one of the most beautiful things she's seen.


Anonymous said...

you missed the part where i wasnt really at the beach

Courtney Saunders said...

What are the beaches up like there?Are they like the ones here?

And I haven't been to the beach in a while. Probably 2ish weeks.

But I was at my cousins in the Pool. So it's kinda pretty close to the beach, but not really.

Well I think you should come home and then you can go to the beaches here, I know that you like them here. :)

sandy said...

The beaching experience is a little different here. The sand is white, the water is not salty, and although there are no jellyfish to worry about what you do worry about is the cleanliness of the water. Some beaches if you go swimming I hear you will come out with a third eye. Wasaga I went to I heard it was about the middle on the beach cleanliness scale and though I have heard some bad stories we came out of the water fine and if there was a bad smell I couldn't smell it lol.

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