Saturday, October 25, 2008

Major Head Cold #1 (Univ Year 2)

Head colds seem to have a hold on me during the fall/winter (and to heck with it, spring/summer) months. Sure there are many preventative measures you can take for them before they even come, but somehow I manage to disregard all warning signs until the cold is full-blown and I am destroying tissue boxes with regret.

In Order of Appearance:

1. Inadequate sleep + inadequate fluid intake + getting a chill
2. Feeling "blah"
3. Erratic sleeping schedule
4. Unable to feel warmth
5. Loss of appetite
6. Creeping sore throat
7. Sore throat
8. Throat on fire (consider preventative measures --> disregard thought)
9. Sniffles
10. Runny nose/cough
11. Stuffed nose, watery eyes, "puffy face" syndrome
12. Realization of head cold
13. Kleenex becomes best friend

And of course along with the cold comes the side effects of the stress on your body, as revealed in the personality. Crankiness, laziness, magnetism to wasteful & repetitive tasks (reading random articles while on the laptop, for example), and listening to unhappy music, to name a few.

Sometime this weekend I have do finish all the readings from my classes - no easy feat - but right now I can't bear to drag myself from the deadly mix of solitaire and Rise Against.

On a happier note, I switched the light bulb in my room from "barely-lit" to "luminous". My room is officially 3x brighter and with it, my mood. Light a few candles and I may even consider switching to Nickelback. Maybe.


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