Friday, November 28, 2008

Steven & Chris Showing

So yesterday (Thursday) Mike and I went to the taping of Steven and Chris, over at the CBC in Toronto. Ever since watching them with Florine back when they were on "Designer Guys" I have fallen in love with their humour, openness, and of course their sense of style. And since the tickets were free, why not? Mike was a good sport to come, knowing absolutely nothing about the show and I think as much as he'd hate to admit it, he had a lot of fun as well. It's interesting behind the scenes, learning to cheer and clap on cue (as if you wouldn't anyways), and laughing along at the jokes and silly mistakes that the people onstage make. And I don't know about you but if you're wondering just what people do in-between scenes: all it is is taking a break, and they play games for prizes, it's pretty sweet. I met this older couple that had been there a couple of weeks ago and they loved it so much they just had to go again. Her husband looked like he had only gone on his wife's instance, but I saw the smile on his face and the way he talked with his wife and you knew his seriousness was only fake.

Anyways the part you're all dying to hear is what Steven and Chris were like in real life. During one of the breaks they had a photo-op and Mike and I went down for our pictures. Or mine, really, since Mike refused to be in it. In TV they are glamorous and fun and though that didn't really change, up close you see that they are actually 30-something men with whom being whisked away on a day would be comparable to spending a day with a friend's cool dad.

All in all it was a great experience, one that we will definitely have to do again. Pictures posted as soon as Mike uploads them!

For free swag we each received a digital photo album/travel alarm clock and I won "The Best of Bridge" cookbook.

Watch us on CBC - December 3/08 at 2:00 p.m!

Pictures below =D

At the CBC Museum that was in the building, missing Mr. Dressup (or the lack of sufficient memory of him)

More puppets!

With Steven and Chris (!!!). Mike was too shy to be in the picture.

He agrees to pose on the set though and, just like real TV hosts, we do a bit of advertising ourselves.


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