Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Words to Dwell On

“Until inequality is challenged, things often seem to be just fine; when groups stand up and demand equality, we suddenly see how fiercely people will defend their privilege.”
- Sociological Images, Feb 6, 2009

...So I’m calling on this community to commute; to move past passing judgment ’cause it was twenty-six years before I saw anything beautiful in me. Twenty-six years, each with 365 days, and between, nearly ten thousand dawns of dysphoria; of waking under waterfalls, waiting to be washed clean, or carried off. And we are eighty percent water: fluidity seems only natural to change state into birthright. Isn’t that what we’re taught? That energy is neither gain nor loss; from lava to mountain; from fire to rock.
- Mourner’s Prayer by Harvey Katz


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