Sunday, March 29, 2009

Earth Hour, Idiotic Moments, and Blah (but not in any way related to each other)

Earth hour was yesterday.  Went over to Nic’s and sat around his kitchen table, eating instant noodles (with the water preheated of course) by candlelight.  Tara came over after supper with her family and then Muoi and Dave joined so we had a nice little group.  We were all going to go to the movies to see “I Love You, Man” afterwards but I couldn’t make it on account of a blister that was really bothering me.  Usually I’m not bad with pain but this was hurting like crazy.  I was hobbling around for a while until I looked at it closely and saw just how infected it was.  Gross.  Anyways I’m sure everyone needed to know that.

So since the word is out and half the world around me now knows, Thursday I went to a job interview for a secretary position at the Pulse, the school gym.  Pretty sweet job that a friend helped me stick my foot in the door in.  So I dress for the part, skirt, new shoes, everything.  Get there 15 minutes early.  Am enthusiastic and smile and chat with everyone I meet on the way.  1:30 rolls around, we get invited to the interview room.  Except it’s the interview for intramurals.  So I go to the Pulse and they said that the boss had just stepped out.  I wait another half hour standing there like an idiot while no one shows up.  Finally I leave, saying that I’ll send an e-mail.  So I get home and send the e-mail.  The next day, I get an e-mail back saying that I had gotten the date mixed up.  The actual interview was two days earlier and they already have finished the interview process but they would welcome meeting me next year.  So yes, I am an idiot.  A major idiot.  Who lost out on an opportunity to have the best job ever, with the best uniforms ever.  Now you know.

You ever have one of those days where you just wake up feeling like crap?  For no reason whatsoever, your body just kind of breaks down and you’re left struggling to keep it spluttering along.  Today I woke up into one of those days.  If only your dreams reflected reality…

Last night you will be happy to know I was saving the world from earthquakes, WOW figurines, mousetraps, and certain doom.]

ultra tea

- Unshelved.


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