Saturday, March 14, 2009

For Those Nights That Even Vodka Juice Has Lost Its Charm

Who is the last person who 'covered' for you?

What is your favorite flavor of skittle?

Do you have a job?

State your name:

What color is your lighter (if you have one)?

Why do you have a lighter?
Needed one I could use without fear. Tealight anyone?

Have you ever bashed something before you tried it, then loved it?
Lots of things. Pre-bashing has almost become a prerequisite.

One thing that has happened this year and you didn't expect it:
Water break in my room >.<"

What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?
Still too cold.

When is the last time you used a crayon?
Tuesday =D

What is your favorite song?
At this moment: "Dawn Metropolis" by Anamanaguchi. Video game funkiness :)

What does your hair say about you?
That I am fantastic but in need of a haircut and an escape from these work buns.

Are you tired?
Meh. Woke up late today.

When is the last time you ate a hot dog?
A couple of weeks ago? Grilled one tonight though... sizzled deliciously!

Last time you took public transit?
Every freaking day.

Favorite pattern?
Depends on what it's for and what my mood is. So many pretty patterns, how can someone choose just one?

Who makes you smile?
Everyone. I'm an easy smiler.

Are your parents funny?

Would you ever try hard drugs if given the chance?
Probably not. I would lose a lot of self-respect if I did.

What are you listening to?
"A Children's Crusade on Acid" by Margot and the Nuclear So and So's. New favourite song of the moment!

Are you legal yet?
Yes thank God! I can't possibly imagine what it was like when non-Caucasians weren't considered "persons".

Do you live with both your parents?
Nope. Student housing rocks.

If you don't know a "slang" word do you urbandictionary?
Only if someone links it to me.

Were you drunk or sober in your last kiss?
Pretty sober.

Do you listen to Kate Nash?

Are you a naturally happy person, or is your happiness forced?
Depends. There is a lot of forced smiling at work sometimes.

Do you have posters in your room? Of what?
A lot of it is just random things posted up. My only "real" poster is a map of the world.

What are your plans for this weekend?
Math assignment and work.

Have you ever skipped school?

Do you like to hear peoples' funny stories?
Of course!

Have you ever made a t-shirt?
I've tye-dyed one.

Is it hard for you to apologize for your mistakes?
Yeah but you learn to suck it up.

What are you going to do after this?
Laundry and then study.


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