Tuesday, March 03, 2009

On Reading

There is something about the completion of a really good book that you feel incredibly refreshed afterwards. You feel as if you have lived a lifetime in the mere hours you spent reading and to break from them into the "present" seems so familiar and foreign at the same time... it's hard to explain. It's all at once soothing, unsettling, bland, and invigorating that I find myself feeling just as alive and present as if I have lived, died, and come back to life again.

What a treat! But I'm afraid that will soon fade and I will be back into old routine and forget everything that I am feeling at this instant.

They say that if you cannot sleep then the best thing to do is to read a book. If you don't read books normally, then I encourage you with all my heart to do so. But be forewarned... it may so happen (and I unabashedly hope it will) that you may one day find yourself absorbed and suffer all the pleasures and griefs of the times that - tired as you may be - you cannot put that book down. And to read before bed no longer brings about drowsiness but excites your soul and your mind so that you cannot sleep but for one more chapter!

I am rambling. Sleep-deprivation does that to you. Being so totally engrossed in words does that to you.

And it is oh so wonderful.

And no, I wasn't reading Wizard of Oz, I just think it's funny.


Courtney Saunders said...

It's true books can do that too you. I like tha wizard of oz thing haha.

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