Friday, October 27, 2006


Okay, I'm cheating I know: two alphabet posts in one day... sketchy. But hey, I'm still awake and I am now hungry. So why not.

What is round, pink, and delicious on everything from sandwiches to just plain on its own? Bologna of course! Great for snacking in front of the television. I remember loving to eat them just as they are, and creating new ways to eat it too.

Like nibbling on them as if I were a mouse. Or better yet, as if I was an orphan, scourging the alleyways for some kind of nourishment to get me through the day. And behold! In a dumpster, on the ground, or given to me by some elderly old lady through her back door, there it is. Gingerly I pick it up and take bite after bite, savouring every piece. Who knows when I'll be lucky enough to have a find like this again? Surely I must save it and store it away for when I'm really hungry. But even as I reason with myself, I keep treating myself to another mouthful. And before I know it, it's all gone, leaving behind the hunger only wetted by the sudden appearance of the food. What do I do? Should I run to my corner of the world and curl up until the desire passes? Or do I venture out again in a search for more? The hunger compels me... and eventually I get up and make my way back to the refridgerator for another adventure.

Okay, so I was a weird kid. And I admit, I am still pretty weird now. But those were some good times. It's funny the things you come up with as a kid. Though I did that with bologna, I should also mention that I played that game with a lot of other foods. Makes the eating more interesting I guess, and also you crave it more. Who has a better appetite than a starving orphan?

But we don't have bologna at this house. I don't want to ask them to buy it and I would be too shy to grab a piece and eat it plain in front of the tv too. But when I get my own house and buy my own groceries, you can bet what I'm going to stock up on. That and everything else that tastes good.

Well now that we all crave bologna, sleep sounds good. Or at least a break from trying to stay awake. Oh dear...


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