Sunday, November 19, 2006

To Catch A Cold

1. Wait for a cold winter day - preferably with strong wind and rain.

2. Remove all articles of clothing (except for underwear... that would be indecent).

3. Step outside and walk slowly, generating as less body heat as possible.

4. Lick doornobs, handrails, and other frequently touched objects whenever possible.

5. Aquaint yourself with others who have flu-like symptoms.

6. Don't wear socks!

Or, if you are like me,

Just breathe.

Friendly advice from the girl with years of cold-catching experience,
able to catch colds anywhere from Canada to Taiwan to Egypt
and keep them for months at a time.


Courtney Saunders said...

Trust is a five letter word, haha just decided I would tell you before someone else notices :p

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