Wednesday, December 20, 2006


I am utterly exhausted and only blogging because I already said I would make a post every day. But I am too tired to open my eyes, let alone blog and write a research essay.

The day consisted of a skipped band concert, an awkward presentation in front of english, "How The Grinch Stole Christmas", a garbage can fire in which the school was evacuated, an unfinished "Horton Hears The Whos", lack of youth group, almost accident backing out of Shoppers (I hate parking lots), and working on a major major research essay of which I wish whoever lit the garbage can on fire would've burned instead. At least then there would be a reason for making everyone (except Zack...jerk) freeze outside in the cold while there is a perfectly warm fire burning inside by the library. If it wasn't for the beautiful snow I would smack winter upside the head. But you gotta take the bad along with the good, and so on and so on and now I'm going to go back to the essay.



Courtney Saunders said...

WHAT!! I thought you couldn't opens your eyes anyways, haha im only kidding.. later

sandy said...

you aren't kidding now?


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