Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Like A Dream Come True,

I woke up this morning to the sound of the man in the radio debating whether the snow that had landed this morning was going to stay on for Christmas or not. Scared to open my eyes in case it really hadn't snowed, I stayed in bed a little later than usual. But when I opened them, what a surprise! Instead of the white patches of snow that I had thought would come at best, the world was covered in a thick blanket of soft-fallen snow. This fact completely took the edge off the lingering sickness I felt, which made today even better than it would've been.

At lunch Nancy and I walked to Shoppers (did I mention the hour lunches this week? yess!!) and back, which was nice even though it was freezing because it was snowing light but abundant flakes - the kind that comes to a close second in my heart to the big fat flakes that makes it look as if you're in a snowglobe and are just the right kind for snowballs and igloos and all sorts of fun things like that.

School was good too, with every class (with the exeption of math and chemistry) letting up a little on the workload. I included english in this too even though I have the most work in it because the work I have yet to do is because I'm stupid and leave everything to the last minute. Tomorrow is when I present the book talk and finish writing the essay :S But at least I have a solid book now for the talk, since the book I was going to do I couldn't do and the two other possibility books I read about halfway through before realizing that I didn't even like them, even though they won a Pullitzer Prize and have been made into movies. So I stayed up LATE last night (3:32 a.m. I think is when I finally shut off the light) reading this book called "The Goose Girl," which is pretty much a fairy-tale complete with a princess and everything. It's a nice book though, and I know I'll have fun (or at least stress) picking out pictures for the collage I'm making for it as my visual prop.

After school, I also got a surprise call from my dad, which I was really happy to hear from. Him, his girlfriend, and Mike have been in Taiwan for just under a month now, and I haven't been able to get in contact with him since then. I wrote him an email but they never replied, but dad explained that the library stops you from checking your email over there (are they in Taiwan or China?) so he hasn't been able to see it. The conversation consisted of mostly asking how each other has been and my dad reminding me to keep taking vitamin c because he heard the cold in my voice. His voice was a little hoarse too, but he said he was feeling okay and I didn't pry. The likely story behind that was probably the fact that it was 4:12 p.m. here which made it around 4:12 a.m. over there, though he sounded wide awake and so was his girlfriend, whom I could hear a little bit in the background. No mention of Mike though but he did give me his number again so I could call him and talk to them more often :)

Wow I don't know why I wrote that, since whoever's reading this has probably never met my dad or brother and has almost zero probability of having met my dad's girlfriend, but I guess since it was one of the major highlights of my day I just feel the need to blog about it haha.

Another one will be Jon (Friend and Florine's son) coming home from Alberta for Christmas today. We aren't very close but I'm still happy to see him, and also happy for Friend and Florine who missed him a lot ever since he left and glad that he's able to take the time off to come here and be home. If the drive from Moncton is three hours, then he should be arriving around 7 tonight. Which means I've got a lot of speed-working to do if I want to have all of it done by then. Wish me luck!


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