Saturday, December 16, 2006


The tree is now not only up but decorated today, which was a beautiful sight coming down the stairs this morning. Or really, it was this afternoon, as I was too sick to do any sort of real getting up. Though I was up around 9 this morning for an hour because my throat hurt too bad to go to sleep. But did I mention that I love fishermen's friends? But I also hate them when they don't work. Anyway, the highlight of my day consisted of forcing myself to get up this afternoon about quarter to one so I could eat three poached eggs, some bread (softened by the poached eggs), have an attempt at juice, and also some warmed up milk. But right now it is taking all my energy not to go downstairs and have an attempt at the roast beef I am smelling because I know it will be hard eating it. But I have held off for two hours now (the only reason I am up) and I am weak-willed today.

So about that roast beef...


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