Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Sunday Before

The Sunday of Christmas Eve! So nervous for Christmas, I don't know when I'm going to get all the shopping done that I need to get done. It will have to be during the week I guess, and really the school lied: our Christmas break doesn't start until the 23rd! Because we still have school on the 22nd, when it's supposed to start >.<

But anyways, though it sounds like I'm having a really stressful holiday season, I'm actually not. Today was a really nice day. We went to church at Zion Presbyterian today for a change; they had a Christmas special on with their choir which was great. They had the big organ, harps, and a drum too and the church is beautiful - one of the oldest in Charlottetown, Friend said. We went there because Ethel (Friend's aunt) used to go there often with her husband. He's passed away now (I don't know for how long but before I came) but it's so sad to hear her talk about him, always adding "He's been gone for a while now. But I still miss him, you know." Her sister Minnie came too, she spends her life taking care of someone who needs it and hardly gets out herself. And here we were, Moyo and I, the "young" people in the group shivering and shaking from the cold, and here are these two little old ladies like Minnie who starts talking about how nice is it out and how she absolutely loves the cold weather and being able to be out and about in the city. They are both still so loving and grateful for what they are able to do, and it really makes you stop and appreciate the blessings you are given in life. Last night I was watching t.v. and there was an ad of this guy running down the streets, through and around the grocery store, and just running until he was too out of breath to continue, and then it read about this disease that within two years you lose the ability of your legs. Then the ad said "What would you do if you still could?" And I was like wow, that's a powerful message.

Late one night (sitting in Burger King) Courtney and I were asked the question, "If you could only see one colour for the rest of your life, what would it be?" It was a way of asking our favourite colour but the more I thought about it the more I was like whoa... that would be so horrible. I mean God could've just easily made things just one colour and that's it. But instead He chose to give us so much everywhere you look. I mean sure there's the normal red, blue, yellow, green, but there are so many different shades and textures and varieties and really it is amazing. We are so blessed. But I digress. A lot actually.

So anyways, after the service we went to Seatreat, which was fun. I only had the clam chowder because my throat was not all that recovered (I kind of made it worse by toasting a bagel this morning x.x) but it wasn't salty at all so it was good because it was easy to eat. The cheesecake for dessert, though it was not the best, was still pretty good and apparently at the Seatreat they have the "best fish & chips in town" which sounds like it would be fun to try sometime. Oh and before I forget, we all ordered a side-dish of calimari, which was deep-fried octopus. It arrived steaming hot and man was it good. So yeah that was my morning.

My afternoon will likely consist of hunkering down to do my studies because I hear there's some sort of Christmas concert on at the church (Sherwood) tonight. Oh and also, Friend found a radio station that plays nothing but Christmas carols, 104 fm. It's from away and it's weak in some parts but still it's good.

Well that's all I can think of to write about for today. Hope you have/had an enjoyable Sunday as well :)

From my heart to yours <3


Courtney Saunders said...

haha sweet, yeah we really are blessed to have sooo many colors to see its cool, anyways just thought I would see what was new on your blog, so talk to you later

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