Friday, December 22, 2006

Wow It Is Late

So I have official permission to skip first period tomorrow morning (on account of nothing in school for the entire day) and I was happy because I told myself I was finally going to get enough sleep. That is, of course, until I took yet another break from studies and discovered the "Next Blog" button on the top of someone's blog. There are many dangers to venturing into the unknown. For one, you don't know where you'll end up. But curiosity got the best of me and I clicked it. And, finding the results not as horrible as I expected, clicked again. And again. And again. And so here I am, at 2:15 in the morning thinking to myself, what did I just unleash? But though I did happen across some questionable sites (the ones filled with the ads reading "Hate your wrinkles? Gymnastics for your face!" and etc), I also found some interesting ones, which I will be so nice as to share (is this your luck day or what).

Weddings are usually beautiful, made all the better with a good photographer. I like this one's sense of humour and wish my wedding pictures turn out this fun. Thankfully though, I still have a LONG ways to go before even thinking (seriously) about marriage haha.

There are a lot of interesting articles on this one, but I am a huge animal lover and thought it was such a neat story. And such a cute picture too :P

Here is something that is useful for keeping occupied in the moments where you want something quick and not too complicated to do. I just glanced through it briefly but it looks like there is quite a selection.

After reading this my desire for taking up knitting was rekindled. I am still disappointed Mr. K (the crafts teacher) wouldn't let me choose knitting for my extra project instead of having to fix up the elephant I blew up in the kiln. Not that I'm not glad I got to fix the elephant (I'm really glad I could.. it was such an interesting experience), but I wanted to learn how to knit. I think you can take classes at Michael's (the crafts store) or something but you have to pay for it and plus find a way down. But I think I will start looking in the flyers for a class like that again, just for something to take my mind of work work and more work during the Christmas break.

(I like how the blog I liked the best was the one that I wrote the least on haha)

Well it is 2:30 a.m. now and so screw everything I am going to clear off the bed and go to sleep. Until 6:30, which is when I make myself wake up to finish the rest of this work.



Trooper said...

you need more sleep. 12 hours minimum!

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