Monday, January 08, 2007

Out Of The Phase

So someone mentioned that I missed some days in blogging.. which is pretty sad considering someone actually takes the time to have read it when I did a blog every day. But for the past few days I've kind of moved on; not even feeling the desire to blog; not even for sanity. I've pretty much given up on having that anyways. So I'm only blogging now to acknowledge that fact and also to mention something very Islander-ish: the weather!

So on Saturday it was very foggy out, and I had the joy of going for a walk on the boardwalk in the rain and fog, which sounds horrible but was actually quite lovely. I even stoppped to take some pictures, which made the person walking behind me almost run into me, which was funny. Not for the person though, who must've thought I was out of it (good thing I look like a tourist!).

Did I mention that it was also 12 degrees Celcius out? I think that must break a record somewhere. I mean it's January!

But today (Monday) I woke up and the first thing I see outside is snow, snow, wonderful snow. It was almost unbelievable how fast it turned winter.. I mean it was practically a storm! And the good kind of snow too, the kind you can make snowballs with and everything. Except that I heard it was going to all melt by tomorrow.. which sounds like a far stretch considering what it's like now, but then again I wouldn't put it past this wacky Island weather. Oh well, only one way to find out!


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