Wednesday, January 10, 2007


was fun. English debate, which no one in our group was prepared for (with the exception of maybe Katie who timed her speech and everything) was postponed because we had a substitute. I don't think I have been that happy for one ever haha. And for the class we did a poem by T. S. Eliot, called "The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock," which kind of gives you an idea of the kind of poem it is. My favourite line?

I grow old … I grow old … 120
I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.

It's long but a good read. Check it out. The rest of the day at school went good too, but I won't go on about the details or else this would take forever and I would be up all night.

Today was also the return of youth group which was fun. We made videos and I was a goat being slaughtered by Jacob to receive (trickingly) the blessing from his dad. After youth group we had a race to Victoria Park, then back to the church, and finally over to Dairy Queen which, may I add, our team won them all with five minutes to spare! Thanks to Katie: The Queen of Speed And Back Roads and Sandy: The Racing Assistant Extraordinaire, we totally kicked the butts of Courtney and Melissa. Not to brag or anything haha. Well anyways, that's my night. Back to the joys of homework. Which, according to Mr. Cole is easier than housework, but personally I'd take housework any day. I actually enjoy doing dishes and laundry and etc, whereas homework.. not so much.

Can't wait for retirement!


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