Wednesday, January 31, 2007


So the last post was kinda bogus because apparently it didn't really "count" as one, being a link, and so I'm posting for real now due to some complaints from certain people who read my blog but don't really comment haha.

Anyways, I guess I'll start by saying I'm FINALLY done of exams. Hopefully I did well on most of them, but I know I did horrible in chemistry. You see in chemistry you learn concepts and equations and on the tests I would get the equations but not the concepts so for the exams I studied mostly the concepts and not the equations, because I thought the equations would be easy. EXCEPT THAT the exam was all equations except for about three concept questions, and since I didn't study the equations that much I forgot a lot of the formulas and what to do. So anyways, I would be surprised if I didn't fail the course, which is bad because chemistry is like the science you need for everything science related. But if I don't get accepted into university next year (the future looks bleak) I will get to go to MCC and will probably upgrade my chem mark (along with others) too. I'm excited to go to MCC. It sounds like it'd be easy because it's a Bible college, but apparently it's a lot more work than actual university. So it shall be interesting.

Today has been my day of relaxation, being my first day without any exams. And it was nice. I showered only to change into another pair of jammies (how often do you get to do that?) and did dishes and laundry and read for the morning. It sounds boring and chore-ish but I liked it. This afternoon I got to go out with some friends which was nice because lately I've been practically a hermit studying for exams and then this evening was youth group, which was fun except that no one was there and we weren't really doing anything, just playing games so Courtney and I left early and went back-to-school shopping for the new semester! Haha we are such losers but hey for us it's a compliment :P

Well I don't really have anything to write about right now and my stomach's acting up again so I'm gonna go and make some caucasian tea. Hope you are having (and will have) a fantastic week!!


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