Wednesday, January 03, 2007

What "Label" Would I Fit Under According To This?

was on facebook (still trying to figure it out) and saw my good friend Jill had this on her notes, which is like a blog except different. Thought it was funny and since I was bored wanted to try it out too! And i'll also comment on each one, you know because I'm bored.

[ ]You spend half an hour doing your hair [well i guess i could brush my hair for half an hour, but by then i'll probably be bald]
[ ] You go tanning/lay out. [i don't tan; i'm already yellow]
[ ] You watch The OC and/or Laguna Beach. [never really understood it from the one episode i watched. Although it was on Mad t.v. once]
[x] You own something designer. [i get suckered into buying things so easily]
[x] You love going shopping. [of course!]
[ ] You like Paris Hilton. [well i wouldn't say i hate her but we're not bff or anything..]
[x] You take your cellphone everywhere. [for sure]
[x] You own an iPod and/or an MP3 player. [yeah, i heart my sansa]
[x] You love Starbucks. [yes!]
[x] You love flip flops. [yes, but only in summer]
Total = 6

[x] Red or black is your favorite color. [well red is one of them]
[x] You have thought about death. [does anybody not?]
[ ] You wear chains. [i have no keys]
[ ] You like heavy metal. [too hard to sing along to]
[x] You love Hot Topic. [i think i have already answered that i love shopping haha]
[x] You have worn black lipstick. [halloween counts right]
[x] Your hair is dark. [well i am asian.. except for the occasional white/blonde/red ones poking around]
[ ] You dislike preps. [why dislike someone because of their "label"?]
[ ] You're an atheist/agnostic [nope]
[ ] You have/want piercings in unusual places. (Eyebrow, nose, lip, tongue, bellybutton, etc.) [i don't mind getting piercings except they wouldn't really look good on me]
Total = 5

[.5] You skateboard/blade. [i have skateboarded and bladed but it doesn't ask if you were any good :P]
[x] You love plaid. [who doesn't?]
[ ] You have/own at least 1 pair of Converse. [nope, although if i could i would get the custom made ones where you get to pick everything]
[x] You think you're different. [correction: i know i'm different haha. Different is like weird right?]
[x] You hate MTV. [but hate is such a strong word; it depends on what's playing]
[x] You have/had/want blue, purple, or green hair [who doesn't want green hair? you could do the joke for real!]
[x] You love skater boys/girls. [i try to love everybody regardless of their ability to skate]
[ ] You hate pink. [what! pink is so pretty]
[ ] You hate rich kids. [why hate somebody just because of that?]
[x] You listen to punk music. [sure it's on the radio]
Total = 6.5

[x] You like computers. [in this day and age, who doesn't?]
[ ] You like Star Trek. [i have never seen it]
[x] You wear glasses. [yeah, contacts never really worked out for me]
[ ] You get straight A's. [i wish.]
[x] You love reading. [of course]
[.5] You have a curfew. [sometimes?]
[ ] You always do your homework. [sometimes i forget. or get too frustrated/angry]
[ ] You never cut school. [i don't skip if we're doing something.. important]
Total = 3.5

[ ] You're depressed. [not at the moment]
[x] You have black-rimmed glasses. [well dark blue is sort of black]
[x] You like Thursday. [it's better than mondays?]
[x] You comb your hair in front of your face. [as opposed to only combing the hair in the back of your face? o.O]
[.5] You cry easily. [depending, though sometimes i can't cry at all]
[x] You hate being called emo. [when i get called emo is when i'm on a not-so-happy-week so no, i can't say that i like it]
[x] You keep a journal/diary. [blogs counts right]
[x] You have written a sad poem. [roses are red, violets are blue. i am sad, now you are too.]
[ ] You have/had a sad MySpace layout. [i don't even have myspace]
Total = 6.5

[ ] You like rap. [depending]
[ ] You wear Tag. [i don't even know that that is. though i do like to play it]
[ ] You say "nigga" frequently. [only to nathan :P haha just joking]
[x] You drink often. [well you are supposed to have 8 glasses of water a day]
[ ] You wear rubberbands in your pants. [where would you even find rubber bands big enough to fit around your pants?]
[ ] You swear a lot. [i can't say i do]
[ ] You have had a freestyling contest. [lets have one right now; you first]
[x] You have said "shizzle". [shizzle.]
[x]You have been called a "playa". [but not seriously haha at least i hope not :P]
[ ] You wear Converse with the tongue flipped out. [no converse, no flipped out tongue]
Total = 3

[ ] You wear a bandana. [i can't say i do to this either]
[x] You love Pokemon, the Ninja Turtles, etc. [love is too underexaggerated]
[.5] You never walk anywhere. [i used to but now i love walking!]
[ ] You wear slip-on Vans. [i don't even own a pair]
[ ] You like Norma Jean. [who's Norma Jean? is she nice?]
[x] You wear band tees. [yeah i still have mine from eXalt haha]
[ ] You love to "hardcore" dance or mosh. [what is this hardcore dance? how is it different from normal dance?]
[ ] Your hair has been dyed in more than one color. [i don't know/don't want to dye my hair]
[x] You don't really like being called a satanist. [i don't think you would either..]
Total = 3.5

Whichever section you gave the most x's to, is the one that you are.

So that makes me.. punk/skateboarder/emo? man.. i thought for sure i would've got nerd/loser!


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