Monday, March 12, 2007

The Answer.

So you are sitting with some intellectual and making conversation. Or you are outside bored with your friends. Whatever situation you are in, most likely at least a few times in your short short life you are asked the ultimate hypothetical question:

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it,
Does it make a sound?

I always thought it as being a stupid question. Of course it's going to make a sound. Just because you can't hear it doesn't mean it's not real! The answer's obvious. Isn't it?

In Biology class this morning (which I was not late to, thanks to the bells not working because of daylight-savings :D) we talked about how the ear works. We hear by vibrations sent off that travel to our ears, which in turn interpret the information.

So what does that have to do with anything?

When a tree falls in the forest, it sends off vibrations. But with nothing to feel and interpret the vibrations, there is no sound. Sound is just our interpretation of the vibrations. Are you confused yet? It gets better. When you speak, you aren't actually making sound. You are making vibrations with your throat which enter the ear canal and vibrates the ear drum and it gets interpreted as what you are hearing and what we call "sound."

Just something that I thought sounded cool. (pun not intended)

(okay maybe a little bit!)


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