Monday, March 12, 2007


I am in shock.

When I got home from school there were three big envelopes waiting for me from McMaster University. "Hey look," I said to Friend and Florine, "they rejected me three times!" The first package thanked me for my application to Humanities program and the second thanked me for my application to the Science. I was confused about both of them; I thought I had applied to Arts and Science, which looked like a field of it's own. So I opened up the third one, thinking it was thanking me for applying to some other random program that I didn't sign up for, like medical or something (though wouldn't that be under science?). WELL. Inside was a fancy folder (sweet free stuff! I thought to myself). And inside that held two congratulatory letters of admission. For Social Sciences and Humanities. I am shocked. Not for them accepting me (especially since I didn't even send in my grade 12 transcripts yet!) but also because this, next to U of T, was the last university I expected to get into. Not to mention that I only got accepted into Arts programs, when really I wanted the Science.

So this leaves me with the scary question of what does this mean? I had wanted to go to M.C.C. and was going to, provided that I didn't get accepted into any universities. And I thought I wasn't going to because I applied to Science programs (other than this Arts and Science which I thought was supposed to be more difficult to get into than the actual Science). But here I am, sitting on my bed staring in disbelief at the letters, brochures, and the fancy folder, and I have no idea where to go next. Do I go to MCC like I had been hoping (and planning) to do or do I go to McMaster, for a major that I know I will enjoy but don't really want? Because job-wise, the Sciences path is where you want to go. Then again, MCC doesn't really give me anything job-wise either, but I know it will benefit me a lot life-wise. So what do I do? Where do I go? And, just as important, what do I tell my dad? If I say I got accepted into McMaster then I know I probably won't go to MCC for sure, even though it's only for an Arts degree. If I don't bring it up, does that constitute as lying? Yes. Yes it does. And that's not a good way to get into anything, much less a Christian college lol :P

Maybe it's a sign from up above saying that maybe it's best for me to go to university next year. Or that I should go to MCC anyways with the satisfaction that I could've gotten into a university. Most likely it's probably because God is letting me have the choice between the two paths and not deciding to go to MCC just "because I have to." But I don't know. I want to go to MCC. I also want to stay on the Island, at least for another year. But it's not what I want, but where I am needed. Would it be more beneficial to stay on the Island and attend MCC? Or could I be of more use going to university in Toronto (err Hamilton)? I want to be there for both of my families. But it's hard being close to either when you're so far away. Sometimes I miss being a kid, when the biggest decision you had to make was what colour crayon you were going to use. And what flavour of ice cream to try next. (tip: more colour = more sugar; oh the possibilities)

Anyways I'm just surprised at this whole thing and so am just rambling on haha. Who knows, I didn't even send in my grade 12 transcripts yet; and this time I can pretty much guarantee the rejection letters then. Talk about never a dull moment!


Vinnie said...

Phew, sounds like quite the decision. Not much that I can do to help out there, except to say that you should consider also what you will gain from each of the choices. For McMaster I'm not really sure, I haven't looked into it at all really, but MCC is a good place to start out at least.

If you're just going to MCC for a year then it'd help you get into the post-secondary flow of things and then you'll be all set (sorta) for McMaster the next year. Plus it's a good idea to go to MCC so that you can get some good grounding in your faith before leaping off into university. That's the reasons that I went to MCC first, and I think that the decision for me was a good one. sure the whole MCC prepping me for another uni isn't exactly an option anymore since I'll be going to MCC for my education, but it's a good starting point. Post-secondary is quite different from High School, and they say MCC marks harder than most others, so when you finish a year of MCC then you can breeze through McMaster.

That's just the way I see it though, and I know that there's more things to consider for you before making the decision. Think it over and talk it over with people, and trust in God. Good luck =)

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