Saturday, March 10, 2007

Quick Recap Of Wed-Fri!

Guess the whole blog-a-day thing didn't work out again. Sadly, I'm not very surprised haha.

I finally went to go to bed and then ended up at the point of past-exhaustion so now I'm blogging before I regain enough strength to be knocked out and I figured I'd let you in on the half-week missed.

On Wednesday I skipped French (terror/gasp/sharp convulsions) and went shoe shopping and fast food-ing with Katie and Courtney. No matter what Katie tells you do NOT order combo number eleven from BK, ever. The vegetable "burger," contrary to popular belief, does not taste like a real burger at all and even if it did the patty was so thin you might as well have not had anything in there the first place. They did fill it up with an absurdly large quantity of lettuce though, so it sort of made up for it. Sort of. Courtney's nephew was there and so, using him as an excuse, Katie and I went in to the little playplace with him. He got tired of it before we did haha. It sounds stupid but we were in the ball pit and trying to shoot them through the plastic target they have and had a blast; I guess we are too easily amused :) Afterwards we went to MacDonald's but of course it is bigger and more watched and we couldn't play in there. But I miss being little and able to play. Those restaurants used to be the highlights of my life. *sigh*

Also on Wednesday was youth group, which is always one of the highlights of the week, and had even more of a blast there. Although Jill, whom I had clearly made a truce with during the game where a clothespin is stuck on your back and you have to try to steal other peoples, attacked me for mine, totally breaking the truce. If one day you do not see her cheerful face in the halls, don't worry; it means I have disposed of her. You break truce, I break you.
(just joking! don't worry Jill I will not really murder you. Much.)

Thursday was an interesting day. Had a quiz in French (serves me right for skipping haha) and had company over for supper. Don't remember much about Thursday except that I went to see the midnight advanced screening of 300 (the movie) with some friends. The movie was kind of cheesy in some parts (everything is so overdramatized it was funny) but there were some terrific scenes and so overall it was amazing. On the way home we took a taxi and had a really neat conversation. Who knew that a taxi driver from PEI works for NASA designing their programs and owns the largest privately owned telescope east of Ontario? Talk about an amazing job. I read in Time Magazine an article on this guy who's like this multi-millionaire building this spaceship for commercial flights up into space. Already he has sold tickets in advance at $200 000 each, and I thought it sounded so cool until I saw that as exciting as breaking out of the boundaries of the Earth is, the flight only allowed for the time-in-actual-space to be for four minutes before heading back down. I was so disappointed. I mean if you're going to go to space you should at least go to the moon. Otherwise spending $200 000 just to float around for 4 minutes doesn't seem worth it. Then again, those people would be able to say that at least they have gone into space, which is a lot more than the rest of us. It's all for the experience.

Today (it's still Friday to me) was a good day. Watched this awesome dvd in biology on the ocean life and was blown away. After school went with Krystle and caught a sale at Walmart, ate, and then was dragged to see The Bridge To Terabitha, which I didn't want to see because by then I was exhausted from running on less than four hours of sleep. I thought the movie was so corny because it's mostly based on the overactive imagination of two grade 5ers but when a sad part happened I actually had tears in my eyes! And if you know me you know that as emo as I can get I'm not the sort to cry or tear up easily, especially at movies. I'd totally recommend it. The movie I mean, though crying can be good too haha.

Anyways I don't think I'm really making any sense at all right now (I haven't been all day) and so I'm going to go to bed for real now.

Later taters.


Jill said...

I didn't make a truce! I was off mind wondering!
Anyways, I hope your weekends going better than mine. We found out yesterday that my great uncle passed away.

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