Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Usual

School as usual.

Home as usual.

Starting the post-a-day thing again. Except nothing terribly exciting has been going on to report.

As usual.

Well I guess that's not totally true; I cleaned my room yesterday. Dusted, swept, and everything. In psychology we are learning about study habits, and how we should be conditioning ourselves to study at a desk instead of a bed. So I thought I'd try it out. My desk needed to be rescued from being buried under mountains of randominities anyways. Now everything that used to be on the desk is now on the floor, so really except for the clean surfaces of the table and dresser, you can't really tell that I've cleaned my room at all. But I know it's clean. That's what counts right? So I guess this post on "the usual" isn't very usual at all, since usually I tend to clean everything BUT my room. But hey, sometimes it's nice to have a change from the usual. Usually.


Vinnie said...

good work on the post-a-day =P I guess there's not much more to comment on... school is good, home is good, clean is good. yeah, that's about it. the word verification for this post is veqhzzciv, except that the ci looks a bit like an a, very deceptive.....

Melissa Kendra said...

My desk is EXACTLY the same way. My mum got fed up with my room and cleaned my floor. I hate it when she does that, I never know what she does with my stuff. I actually had to ask her where my CDs were the other day.

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